As educators we wear many hats in our daily lives. We work, raise families, prepare for classes and stay current in our fields, juggling many responsibilities at one time. As we are caught up in living life day to day, it is easy to focus our attention on the immediate and to underestimate the importance of satisfying all human needs (physiological, safety, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization).
The Teaching Learning Center Coordinators are proud to announce this professional development opportunity focusing on the life in balance.
The 2014 Anderson Conference is designed to offer educators tools to thrive. Specifically, the conference will provide valuable resources and strategies to apply in your daily life, including in the classroom. You will see how this not only benefits you personally and professionally, but also benefits your students and colleagues. We invite you to consider areas in your own life that may need balance and to attend sessions that offer the tools needed so that you truly become a Thriving Educator.
Show examples of various book structures I made at workshops. I will also present slides of student work that implement aspects of book arts in course projects and discuss how these could be appropriated into other disciplines. There will be a demonstration on how to construct a simple sewn pamphlet book and attendees will have the opportunity to make their own. Van Wheeler will discuss journaling along with this special presentation
learn how to make more informed food choices, and how to better interpret food labels and evaluate “claims” (such as weight loss or increased energy). I will give a presentation and will then have an activity to demonstrate the worth of commonly consumed foods and drinks in terms of whole food. In order to be a excellent educator, one must be healthy, and have the energy it takes to feed an active brain, as well as avoid illness.
Angela Batchelor and Van Wheeler will present how to combine book arts and personal journaling. Angela will show various book structures and present slides of student work that utilize the book as a medium. Van will direct participants in a journaling exercise which will be used to construct a series of small sewn pamphlet books for participants to take home.
Faculty will learn how to create community-based learning assignments through a series of small games and activities which will lead to a complete (hypothetical) CBL assignment ready to be cut and pasted into their syllabus.
Become familiar with the Professional Learning Community (PLC) groups, the types of questions used for enquiry, and practice a sample protocol form to share and reflect on teaching practices.
Discussion-based session to help people engaged in SAC-level assessment develop creative–but evidence-based–approaches to assessment, to make the process more conducive to reflective teaching.
Teach faculty how to understand social media from a broad perspective- both as an outreach tool for students as well as understanding how language/communication shifts depending on the electronic tools used. The presentation will include a video and be followed with guided, informal discussion about the role of digital communications in higher education.
Participants will gain an understanding of how their professional boundaries intersect with teaching, gain strategies for monitoring and implementing effective boundaries for improved communication with students, & engage in reflective discussion regarding how their professional boundaries impact their teaching practice.
Without our health and sanity it is impossible to be present in the classroom either physically or mentally. The objective of this session is for participants to share their stories and resources.
The more vital we are and the better we feel, the happier we are, and the better job we do. Discussion-based session to understand and consider adopting healthy new practices and approaches
Regardless of what type of project you’re doing. Getting started is generally the hardest part. Shut up already and do something~Organizing a project for execution/ production. Motivation. Lighten up, and get started.
Foster increased somatic and emotional self-awareness skills. Initial mastery of basic tools for self-awareness and emotion management. Participants will be guided through a series of experiential activities drawn from mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindful based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Participants will 1. Contract and Expand their energy to stay more energized while they work. 2. Identify and connect to their source(s) of energy. 3. Practice these skills while simulating work activities.
Balancing and blending academic/institutional duties with professional activities. Covers a newly developed music course, MUS234 Introduction to the Music of Latin America, and will include a sample micro-lesson from this course, performance of music examples, photographs, anecdotes.