2014 archive

Winter Conference on Teaching and Learning

  • When: January 31, 2014
  • Where: Sylvania Campus
  • Theme: The Thriving Educator: Life in Balance 2014 Archive
Conference description

As educators we wear many hats in our daily lives. We work, raise families, prepare for classes and stay current in our fields, juggling many responsibilities at one time. As we are caught up in living life day to day, it is easy to focus our attention on the immediate and to underestimate the importance of satisfying all human needs (physiological, safety, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization).

The Teaching Learning Center Coordinators are proud to announce this professional development opportunity focusing on the life in balance.

The 2014 Anderson Conference is designed to offer educators tools to thrive. Specifically, the conference will provide valuable resources and strategies to apply in your daily life, including in the classroom. You will see how this not only benefits you personally and professionally, but also benefits your students and colleagues. We invite you to consider areas in your own life that may need balance and to attend sessions that offer the tools needed so that you truly become a Thriving Educator.
