2018 archive
The Intersectional Educator: Teaching Across the Continuum
- Date: Friday, January 26, 2018
- Time: 8:30am-4pm (Breakfast 8-8:30am)
- Location: Sylvania Campus
Preview the program [pdf].
PCC Library 2018 Anderson Conference Resource Guide
Part-time faculty receive a stipend of $200 for the entire day. Breakfast and lunch provided. Questions? Contact the Rock Creek Teaching Learning Center Coordinator Heather Mayer at tlc.rc@pcc.edu [opens in new window].
As instructors, we exist at the intersection of multiple identities. Our students do too. At these intersections, there can be useful synergies or abrupt edges, discontinuities or significant overlap. All of those affect our interactions with students and with each other. How do we honor the lived lives that cascade into a community in our classrooms? How do we create a culture that recognizes those synergies or discontinuities and leverages them for the advancement of all?