2023 Archive
Theme: Reimagining Assessment Approaches that Inform Student Learning
- Date: Friday, January 27, 2023
- Time: 9am-6:30pm
- Location: Virtual
- Registration: Open now! Register for sessions below.
View the 2023 program guide [pdf] for more details.
Contact ctle@pcc.edu [opens in new window] for questions.
Registration links
Opening keynote, 9-10:30am
- Dr. Gianina Baker
Acting Director for the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
Concurrent sessions, 11am-12:30pm
- Assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills: How to help students earn credit for prior learning (CPL)
Nichole Reding-Hoffart, Cole Chatterton & Gayathri Iyer - Evaluating our efforts: Feedback from students on their Sense of Belonging
Laura Smoyer & Nadia Wallace - Making online/remote learning a more welcoming and inclusive experience
Morgan Chase, Emily Herff, Andrea Hills,Tuba Kayaarasi, Susan Martin, Paul Montone, & Jennifer Ward - Art integration workgroup
Manar Alattar & Panelist - Human expressions: A teacher’s online presence
Casey Twining
Concurrent sessions, 1-2:30pm
- Adult education, formative assessment and how it all connects to your classes
Gale Czerski & Annie Greenhoe - Opportunities and challenges – Incarcerated individuals and higher education
Lisa Regan-Vienop, Jane Zunkel, Kari Hanken, Phyllis Petteys & Kevin Bradley - Trauma Informed response to students – ABC basics
Caroline Bartlett & Hayley Hayes - Decentering whiteness with open education & cultural responsiveness
Taryn Oakley, Michelle Huss, Rachel Sanchez, Katri Laukkanen - Learning Together through Faculty Learning Community (FLCs)
Julie Hastings, Davida Jordan, & Teresa Langford
Concurrent sessions, 3-4:30pm
- Successes and strategies in assessing students with accommodations
Martha Bailey, Stacie Williams, Ralf Youtz, DeLyse Watson & Phyllis Petteys - STEM Career Champions
Josh Cary - Writing a New Chapter
Nanci E. Leiton - Contract/Labor-based grading: Round-table discussion
Greg Kaminski
Concurrent sessions, 5-6:30pm
- Crack the Memory Aid Code: How Collaboration with STEM Faculty Prompted the Creation of Clear, Usable Memory Aid Guidelines & Examples
Kari Hanken, Daynia Daby & Phyllis Petteys - AI and AI: How artificial intelligence changes the game for academic integrity
Robin Shapiro, Martha Bailey & Matt Stockton - No more cramming! Building consistent engagement and inclusion through collaboration and agency in a flipped class
Josephine Pino - Increasing Equity Grading through Community Based-Learning (CBL): Reducing Testing Anxiety and Increasing Community Connections
Ari Petrides, Taryn Oakley & Catherine Thomas