Optician Assistant Training

Optometry patient

Get in touch

Train online, with four Saturdays in a classroom, toward becoming an Optician Assistant working directly under the supervision of a Dispensing Optician. On the last day of class – we’ll make arrangements enabling you to physically hand your resume to local business owners! You’ll enjoy this career path if you think guiding customers to make both function and style choices would be fun, and are motivated to excel in customer satisfaction.

Upcoming courses

Don’t see the course you want? Contact us [opens in new window] for more information.


Register now

  1. Find the CRN of your course from the class schedule.
  2. Then, register:
    • Online: Visit the Continuing Education registration page. If this is your first time registering, create an account. If you are a returning student, click on “Register in MyPCC”.
    • Phone: Call 971-722-8888, option 2.

Need help? Get detailed information on how to register and how to pay or contact us at bem.hanamoto@pcc.edu [opens in new window] or 971-722-6626.

From the IHP blog