Integrative healthcare

Integrative Healthcare Portland Community College

Get in touch

Develop understanding and skills in complementary therapies. Learn how to improve overall health and well-being using a scientific, biochemical understanding of the applications of natural, holistic medicine at PCC’s Institute for Health Professionals.

Integrative healthcare topics include:

  • Science behind natural healthcare techniques
  • Assessment Techniques
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Biochemical and physiological processes
  • Ayurvedics and traditional Chinese medicine/herbology
  • Business practice and ethics

Watch our collaborative webinar, Supporting Your Health by Optimizing Your Digestion, to experience some of the program leads and instruction offered by the Integrative Health Programs at PCC.

Integrative healthcare courses

Integrative healthcare schedule


Register now

  1. Find the CRN of your course from the class schedule.
  2. Then, register:
    • Online: Visit the Continuing Education registration page. If this is your first time registering, create an account. If you are a returning student, click on “Register in MyPCC”.
    • Phone: Call 971-722-8888, option 2.

Need help? Get detailed information on how to register and how to pay.


Contact Amy Evans [opens in new window] for questions about integrative healthcare courses.