Getting Your Recipe to Market

Marilyn Kember, owner at Kember’s Gluten Free, smiles while holding up two bags of her baked goods recipe mixes, one in each hand

Marilyn Kember of Kember’s Gluten Free

Learn how to produce, promote, and sell your recipe.

Get in touch

There are many things to consider when starting a food product business: packaging, labeling, marketing, costs…things you haven’t even thought of yet. Imagine starting a food business with confidence, knowing you have thought through all the steps necessary to launch into the marketplace. Getting Your Recipe to Market is a unique, 12-week intensive program that will help you take your idea to commercial-ready food product. We’ve partnered with food industry experts, OSU’s Food Innovation Center, and New Seasons Market to take you step-by-step to produce, promote, and sell your product. Contact us for a guided interview!

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Apply today

You must complete a guided interview to ensure you are a good fit for the program prior to registering. Contact the SBDC at [opens in new window] for more information about this program.

Oregon Small Business Development Centers are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and by the Oregon Business Development Department.
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