Import and export trade advising

People looking over paperwork with a global map in the background

Are you a small business owner that wants to become involved with international trade, but don’t know where to begin?

You may be seeking efficiencies in your supply chain, or perhaps you’re exploring new alternatives to diversify revenues.

PCC SBDC offers no-cost access to expert international trade advisors with decades of experience working for businesses large and small, and experience working in locations stretching from Tokyo to London. Our experts will prompt you with the right questions, guide you to sufficient research, untangle complicated forms and obscure terms, and will help prepare you to acquire the relevant information needed to succeed in global trade.

More resources

Before you Export: Export Prerequisites
(Extracted from Exporting Basics by Maurice Kogon, President, Export Services, Inc.)

An “ideal” exporter has four basic attributes – a committed management, a competitive product, adequate resources, and sound marketing methodology.

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