Courses listed below have been taught at PCC with a community-based learning (CBL) component. Instructors who have taught those courses in the past, or are currently teaching, as CBL are also listed.
To see which courses are currently being offered with a CBL component, visit our Courses page, search for “CBL” in the Class Schedule or visit GivePulse for PCC.
- ART 140A Digital Photography |Manchester K
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- ART 140B Digital Photography | Manchester K
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- ART 140C Digital Photography | Manchester K
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- ART 205 History of Western Art | Tringali S
- ART 212 Mod Art Hst:Early 20th Cen Art |Bilyeu E
Aviation Science
- AVS 127 Introduction to Aviation |Altree L
Business Administration
- BA 101 Introduction to Business | Chatterton C
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Cascade
- Terms Offered: Spring
- BA 205 Business Communication | Chatterton C; Holmes M
- Instructor: Chatterton C
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Cascade
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Instructor: Chatterton C
- BA 208 Intro to Nonprofits & Philan. | Griffo H (Students4Giving)
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- BA 209 Introduction to Grant Writing | Davis A
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter
- BA 223 Principles of Marketing | Stevens A
- BA 224 Human Resource Management | Selva C; Sickert H
- Instructor: Sickert H
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Online
- Terms Offered: Winter and Spring
- Instructor: Sickert H
- BA 250 Small Business Management | Chatterton C
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Cascade
- Terms Offered: Winter and Spring
- BA 278 Eco-Innovate Soc Entrepreneur | Sickert H
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Online
- Terms Offered: Winter
- BI 101 Biology | Ansley S; Crittendon W
- BI 101 Biology (Lab) | Crittendon W; Fong A; Stevens N
- Instructor: Fong A
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Instructor: Fong A
- BI 145 Intro Fish & Wild Cons. & Mgmt | Ansley S
- BI 163 Organic Gardening | Lien K
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Rock Creek
- Terms Offered: Spring
- BI 202 Botany | Fong A
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- BI 211 Principles of Biology | Fergusson-Kolmes L; Fong A
- Instructor: Fong A
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter
- Instructor: Fong A
- BI 212 Principles of Biology | Fergusson-Kolmes L; Fong A
- Instructor: Fong A
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter
- Instructor: Fong A
- BI 213 Principles of Biology | Fergusson-Kolmes L; Fong A; Pino J
- Instructor: Fong A
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Instructor: Pino J
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Rock Creek
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Instructor: Fong A
- BI 213 Principles of Biology (Lab) | Chao L; Pino J
- Civil and Mechanical Engineering Technology
- College Success and Career Guidance
- Communication Studies
- Computer Applications
- Computer Information Systems
Civil and Mechanical Engineering Technology
- CMET 110 Statics | Gerstner G
- CMET 111 Engineering Tech Orientation | Gerstner G
College Success and Career Guidance
- CG 100 College Survival and Success | Vogt R
- CG 190 Intercult Leadership – Mentors | Love K; Moyer R; Sherwood T
Communication Studies
- COMM 100 Introduction to Communication | Doss K; Haigler S; Pate J
- Instructor: Haigler S
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Online Course
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Instructor: Haigler S
- COMM 140 Intro to Intercultural Comm | Doss K; Haigler S
- COMM 214 Interper Comm:Process & Theory | Haigler S; Mann S
- Instructor: Haigler S
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Online Course
- Terms Offered: Winter and Spring
- Instructor: Haigler S
Computer Applications
- CAS 123 Production Keyboarding | Guess S; Kestek D; Lasher E
- CAS 133 Basic Computer Skill/MS Office | Lin E; Schatz M
- CAS 140 Beginning Access | Shingledecker D
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter and Spring
- CAS 170 Beginning Excel | Shingledecker D
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter and Spring
- CAS 171 Intermediate Excel | Mahoney-Watson W; Pearson M; Schatz M; Shingledecker D
- Instructor: Pearson M
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter
- Instructor: Schatz M
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter and Spring
- Instructor: Shingledecker D
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter and Spring
- Instructor: Pearson M
- CAS 206 Principles of HTML | DeAngelis P; Kerr G; Mahoney-Watson W
- CAS 217 Intermediate Word | Kestek D; Lasher E; Mahoney-Watson W
- CAS 246 Integrated Computer Projects | Brown M; Shingledecker D
- Instructor: Shingledecker D
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Instructor: Shingledecker D
Computer Information Systems
- CIS 120 Computer Concepts I Dougherty D
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- CIS 121 Computer Concepts II I Dougherty D
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
- CIS 133W JavaScript for Web Developers | Goodman M
- CIS 275 Data Modeling and SQL Intro | Goodman M
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter
Dental Assisting
- DA 113 Clinical Procedures II (Lab) | Lomax J
- DH 208 Community Oral Health I | Kao-Young C; Lam Z
Dental Hygiene
- DH 252 Community Oral Health II | Lam Z
- Economics
- Early Education and Family Studies
- Education
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Environmental Studies
- EC 202 Prin Econ: Macroeconomics | Dean E
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Spring
Early Education and Family Studies
- ECE 120 Intro Early Ed & Fam Studies | Garland-Forshee A; Rodrick J
- ECE 121 Observation & Guidance I | Rodrick J
- ECE 200 The Professional in EEFS | Dundorf C; Saceda R; Ulrich T
- Instructor: Ulrich T
- Assignment is Optional
- Campuses Offered at: Sylvania
- Terms Offered: Winter
- Instructor: Ulrich T
- ED 161 Leadership Development | Johnson G
- ED 270 Practicum I | Bullock A; Podany Z
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Cascade
- Terms Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring
- ED 271 Practicum II | Bullock A; Johnson E; Podany Z
- Assignment is Required
- Campuses Offered at: Cascade
- Terms Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring
English for Speakers of Other Languages
- ESOL 150 Level 5 Reading | Barrett S
- ESOL 162 Level 6 Academic Writing | Cain D; Thomas C
- ESOL 250 Level 7 Academic Reading | Cain D; Horani L; Runcie J; Thomas C
Environmental Studies
- ESR 140 Intro to Sustainability | Fong A; Pope L
- ESR 141 Individual Sustainability | Pope L
- ESR 171 Environ Science:Bio Perspect | Oakley T
- ESR 172 Environ Science:Chem Perspect | Oakley T
- ESR 173 Environ Science:Geolog Perspec | Faust M
Fire Protection Technology
- FP 123 Haz Mat Awareness/Operations | Smith D
- FP 280A CE: Fire Protection | Berg R; Smith D
Graphic Design
- GD 249 Design Studio | Gruber L
- GEO 107 Geography of Global Issues | Kheirabadi M
- GRN 233 Supporting End of Life | Hansen L
Health Studies
- HE 251 Community/Public Health Issues | Casady E; Gaige E; Grenier A; Leavitt A; Playford C
- HE 264 Health, Food & the Environment | Casady E; Katter R; Leavitt A
- HST 101 History of Western Civilization: Ancient to Medieval | Gray S
- HST 105 Hist of India & S. Asia Region | Gray S
- HST 106 History of China | Gray S
- HST 107 History of Korea and Japan | Gray S
- HST 240 Oregon History | Presti C
- HST 251 African Amer Hist since 1877 | Lowgren A
- HUM 100 Intro to Humanities | Ortiz J
- LIB 101 Library Research and Beyond | Seely S
- MM 262 Video Production III | Fauske E
- MTH 20 Basic Math | Edwards D; Marshall M
- MTH 243 Statistics I | Lee C; Youtz R
- MTH 254 Vector Calculus I | Pettit J
- MTH 256 Differential Equations | Pettit J
Office Systems
- OS 220 Business Editing Skills | Shingledecker D
- PHL 201H Being and Knowing: Honors | Bailey M
- PHL 202 Ethics | Bailey M; Cayton C; Farnum J
- PHL 202H Ethics: Honors | Bailey M
- PHL 204 Philosophy of Religion | Jolin S; Stockton M
- PHL 206 Intro to Environmental Ethics | Farnum J
- PSY 101 Psychology and Human Relations | Kraska K
- PSY 216 Social Psychology | Schneider-Anthony M
Religious Studies
- R 210 World Religions | Bailey M; Bird J
- RD 90 Reading 90 | Vogt R
- RD 115 College Reading | Vogt R
Sign Language Interpretation
- ITP 283 Interpreting Internship I | Medlock A
- ITP 284 Interpreting Internship II | Medlock A
- ITP 285 Deaf Studies Internship | Medlock A
- SOC 204 Introduction to Sociology | Butz A; Esbensen H; George L; Guevara H; Smith K
- SOC 205 Social Change | Butz A; George L; Smith K
- SOC 206 Social Problems | George L
- SOC 215 Social Issues and Movements | Smith K
- SOC 218 Sociology of Gender | George L
- SOC 223 Sociology of Aging | Abushakrah J
- SOC 228 Intro Environmental Sociology | Smith K
- SOC 230 Intro to Gerontology | Abushakrah J
- SPA 201 Second Year Spanish-1st Term | Bentley S
- WR 121 English Composition | Newton-Calvert Z
- WR 121H English Composition: Honors | Pepe J; Wheeler V
- WR 122 English Composition | LeFave K; Newton-Calvert Z
- WR 227 Technical/Profession WR 1 | Monteverde G; Sanders L
- WR 90 Writing 90 | Vogt R
Women’s Studies
- WS 101 Women’s Studies | Alvarado J
- WS 201 Intercultural Women’s Studies | Alvarado J
- WS 202 Women Activism Social Change | Alvarado J