Resources by Discipline
Course Project/Assignment Examples
- PCC CBL Project/Assignment Collection
Our program’s collection of CBL projects/assignments from PCC Faculty. If you would like to share your community-based learning projects/assignments or syllabus, please email it to [opens in new window]. - Campus Compact: Service-Learning Syllabi by Discipline
If you’re looking for community-based learning course syllabi in your discipline, then this is the place to start! Here, Campus Compact catalogs over 300 exemplary community-based learning syllabi across a wide variety of disciplines. - Teaching Civic Engagement
This website is meant to serve as a companion to the volumes Teaching Civic Engagement: From Student to Active Citizen and Teaching Civic Engagement across the Disciplines. Here visitors will find examples of how the authors included methods of teaching active citizenship into their curriculum and will be able to reference such items as sample syllabi, class projects, and assessments. - Teaching Big Questions
This website showcases creations, collaborations, and contributions from the community of six community colleges. The project entitled, “Student Learning for Civic Capacity: Stimulating Moral, Ethical, and Civic Engagement for Learning that Lasts” was funded by the New York-based Teagle Foundation and the Community College National Center for Community Engagement.
Anthropology Learning
- Public Interest Anthropology: A Boasian Service-Learning Initiative
This paper describes the theoretical rationale and practice related to two connected anthropology courses at the University of Pennsylvania and University City High School, a predominantly African-American school on Penn’s borders. - Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Service-Learning and Anthropology
This special journal issue is devoted to an exploration of the intersection of service-learning and anthropology – the contributions that the field of anthropology can make to community service learning and how service-learning can and does inform anthropological practice.
- Constructing Professional Identity in Art Therapy Through Service-Learning and Practica
Article by the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association that chronicles a Service-Learning project designed to help develop the students’ professional identity. - Sojourning in the Art World: Service Learning in the Philosophy of Art
A comical story about a Trinity College professor’s purchase of Twinkies as art and how he included it in his Philosophy of Art class. Includes syllabus.
- Service Learning and International Business Education
Academic Exchange Quarterly, Spring 2004. This paper seeks to explain a unique model for providing international business experience to MBA students using a high-ranking small MBA program in Florida as a case study. - Successful Service Learning Projects in Accounting and Business Curriculums
Community College National Center for Community Engagement.
Computer Science
- Making Service-Learning Accessible to Computer Scientists
An article addressing how service-learning is used in the computer science classroom. - Successful Service Learning Projects in Accounting and Business Curriculums
Community College National Center for Community Engagement.
Dental Hygiene
- A Framework for Service-Learning in Dental Education
February 2006 Journal of Dental Education. This article offers a framework for service-learning in dental education and describes ten components that characterize true service-learning in dental and dental hygiene curricula. - DSD 832: Dental Care for Special Needs Populations
Patient Care/Service Learning Paper Guidelines.
- Service-learning program gives children a ‘jump start’ into school
University of Wisconsin-Madison article about partnering college students with underprivileged preschoolers. - Service-Learning in Early Childhood Teacher Education
Early Childhood Education Journal article documenting how Service-Learning is used to prepare education majors. - Service-Learning and Teacher Education [pdf]
ERIC Digest article that provides a definition and examples of service-learning, examines rationales and approaches, reviews research, and discusses future challenges related to service-learning in teacher education.
- Welcome to English 121, Composition: Social Issues!
University of Washington syllabus with an interesting approach to incorporating fresh ideas and Service-Learning.
English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Using Service-Learning as Part of an ESL Program
Article by James M Minor from Sacred Heart University illustrating how service-learning ‘revitalized its [ESL] curriculum and made a significant impact on students.
- Serving the Community and Learning a Foreign Language: Evaluating a Service-Learning Programme
A Service-Learning program in Spanish, in which learners of Spanish provide various forms of social services to native speakers in local communities in the target language, is evaluated to assess its impact on learner motivation and attitudes.
- Teaching Math Without an Answer Key
An interesting article by Matt Mayberry, a high school math teacher that follows his journey through incorporating Service-Learning into his curriculum.
- Caring and Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Nursing
AAHE’s Series on Service-Learning in the Disciplines. 200 pages. PDF format.
- APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy
Opening remarks at APA Panel on “Service-Learning in Philosophy” sponsored by the Committee on Teaching Philosophy, December 29, 1999. - Sojourning in the Art World: Service Learning in the Philosophy of Art
A comical story about a Trinity College professor’s purchase of Twinkies as art and how he included it in his Philosophy of Art class. Includes syllabus.
- Infusing Service-Learning in Science and Engineering and its Impact on Pedagogy and Retention
University of Maryland Eastern Shore article that focuses on how SLOPE (Service Learning Opportunities in Physics and Engineering) has integrated service into classes to increase student retention.
Political Science
- Service Learning in Political Science
Links and resources from the American Political Science Association. - The “Lived Experience” of Political Engagement
A study that seeks to document learning and personal change through critical analysis of detailed narratives.
- 2006 Action Teaching Award Winner
Social Psychology Network award winning Service-Learning ideas. Submitted by Dana C. Leighton. - APA: Service-Learning in Psychology
Information from the American Psychological Association regarding Service-Learning in Psychology. - Service-Learning and Psychology
Article by Tanya Renner Ph.D. about teaching with Service-Learning in her Theories of Personality course. - Association for Psychological Science
A great run-down of things to think about while you incorporate service-learning into your course.
- PCC Sociology
Information about CBL integration into the PCC Sociology Program.
- Investigative Drama: A Service Learning Capstone Theatre Course at Gonzaga University
Using investigative drama with four students in a Service-Learning capstone course in theatre at Gonzaga University.
- Teaching Guides: Using Service-Learning in Writing Courses
Colorado State University site with tips on Service-Learning implementation as well as additional resources. - Integrating Writing, Academic Discourses, and Service Learning: Project Renaissance and School/College Literacy Collaborations
Composition Studies article that examines ways to use service-learning in a writing class to help students make connections between their course material and the world at large.