Current openings

We are currently seeking instructors to teach the following topics. However, this is not a comprehensive list of ideas we’re willing to consider. We love hearing new ideas!


  • Painting: Acrylics and Oils
  • Book arts
  • Dance
  • Drawing
  • Music recording
  • Photography: documentary, street
  • Printmaking
  • Writing: memoir, romance, humor, food
  • Making characters and props for stop-motion animation
  • Writing: literary fiction
  • Botanical illustration

Careers, technology, and finance

  • The business side of being an artist
  • Finding a job in Portland
  • Retirement prep in your 30s and 40s
  • Budgeting for home improvements
  • Investing 101
  • Saving for college

Home, garden, and self

  • Home design and decor
  • Home improvement topics
  • Home DIY repair
  • Cocktail mixology
  • All-natural skincare and haircare
  • Personal development
  • Astrology
  • Sewing and knitting
  • Makerspace instruction

Language and culture

  • American Sign Language
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • German
  • Swedish
  • Danish
  • Music history

Teen (runs in summer term only)

  • STEAM instructors
  • Painting
  • Agriculture and farming

Recreation and wellness

  • Boxing
  • Kickboxing
  • Pickleball
  • Fly fishing
  • Fly tying
  • Bowling
  • Indoor cycling and spin
  • Piyo
  • Nia
  • Essentrics
  • Better bones and balance
  • Barre