Our hiring process

The Community Ed hiring process is separate from the rest of the college. If you would like to apply for a position outside of the Community Ed department, please visit the work at PCC website.

Our hiring process generally goes as follows:

No guarantee of work

Community Education instructors work on a class‐by‐class basis. Scheduling decisions are made based on the Program Coordinator’s assessment of community needs and interests, as well as a wide variety of other factors. Coordinators may rotate instructors for a different approach on a subject, and some courses are only offered during certain terms. In other words, once an instructor is hired, there is no guarantee that they will teach each term.


We schedule classes about 4‐6 months ahead of time so that we can design, proof, print, and distribute our print catalog. We generally schedule according to the following timeline. The scheduling deadline is the absolute last day to submit a class. Instructors need to plan ahead so that there is time for working out details and clarifying needs. The Program Coordinator will provide the exact deadline.

Deadlines by term
Term General scheduling deadline
Winter Late August or early September
Spring Late November or early December
Summer Late February or early March
Fall Mid‐May