
Drop In Counseling: Coping with Political Stress

Drop in counseling sessions now available to students who would like to connect with a counselor about political stress. Counselors are available to provide emotional support and build coping skills as students navigate the political climate and current difficulties. Sessions are brief and confidential. Registered students may Zoom in at any time during the open drop-ins listed below.

  • Mondays, 11am – noon
  • Tuesdays, 3 – 4pm
  • Thursdays, 12:30 – 1:30pm

Drop-in support

Join Zoom meeting for all drop-in sessions

book open

Academic stress management

Mondays and Thursdays, 10 – 11:30am
A drop-in opportunity for enrolled students. Create helpful habits and routines while managing the stress of being a student. Get one-on-one support.


Brief counseling for students balancing school & recovery

Thursdays, 3 – 4pm
Students balancing school and any type of addiction and/or recovery are invited to drop in for a brief chat with a licensed counselor. These drop in sessions are available throughout the Fall term and students are welcome to attend as often as is useful for them. No appointment needed, just Zoom in during the open drop in hours for a brief, confidential and private session.