Career counseling resources

Career Assessments offered through Counseling Services:

  • Strong Interest Inventory (a career exploration and planning tool designed to identify an individual’s interests and work preferences)
  • Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (helps people understand personality differences in the general population and what type of careers might be a good fit with their personality type)
  • PICS (Picture interest career survey used to identify occupational interest areas)
  • Career Decision Making Difficulties questionnaire

Other resources for you to check out!

If you need help with any of the following, you can connect with PCC’s Career Exploration Center

  • Help finding a job or internship (resume, informational interviews)
  • Choose a career (explore fields, choose a major, plan a transfer)
  • Get a job (interviews, resumes, job searching)
  • Help applying for scholarships
  • Self-assessments