4 Credit Conversion Committee

About the committee

The 4 Credit Conversion Committee was created to facilitate requests and review of courses impacted by the College 4 Credit Conversion process. This committee acts as a sub-committee and its recommendations are presented at the following Curriculum Committee meeting.

For courses that will be reviewed under the streamlined 4-credit conversion process, please note:

  • Increase to non-sequential courses allows you to change several courses within one form, provided that sufficient information about the nature of the increase is provided.
  • Increase in sequence is for a 3-course sequence increasing from 9 to 12 credits;
  • Decrease in sequence is for a 3-course sequence converting to two courses (8 cr).
  • The opt-out form can be used for several courses provided that the same rationale for opt-out applies to all.

Other course changes that attend the 4 credit conversion (outcomes, descriptions, titles, prerequisites) can be reviewed within the same process – submit the “course revision form [doc]” at the same time as the credit change request;
Within a few days, you should receive copies of the request(s) and the signature page(s).

Once the signature page has been signed by the SAC Chair and Admin Support, the request will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Following the recommendation by the 4-credit conversion committee, the requests will be forwarded directly to the VP for Academic and Student Affairs, and upon approval, will be returned to the Curriculum office for Banner entry. SACs will then be notified that the changes have been made.

If you have any questions about the process or status of items, you may contact the Curriculum Office.

Contact information: Stacey Timmins [opens in new window], 971-722-7813