CourseLeaf drop-in sessions
- What is a CCOG?
- CCOG Content and Formatting Guidelines
- Inventory of CCOGs
- Academic Non-Credit Course Proposal [pdf]
- Request for Lab B form and instructions [pdf]
- Writing course outcomes
- Curriculum Terminology and Definitions
Degrees and certificates
- Career Pathway development
- Employment Skills Training certificate program
- Degree Content and Formatting Guidelines
- Writing degree outcomes
- Inventory of degree outcomes
- Related instruction
- Focus award guidelines [pdf]
- OrACRAO curriculum tracking
- SAC chairs list
- SAC resources page
- Teach-out protocol [pdf]
- Changing program/subject area/SAC names
Please read “guidelines and instructions – name changes” before downloading and completing the appropriate form(s). Please note, course prefixes (the 2-3 letter data code associated with a discipline) and course numbers cannot be changed.