Arriving at Sylvania via the PCC Shuttle
Disembarking the PCC Shuttle
The PCC Shuttle bus drops you off past the Trimet bus shelters at a location that is 2 bus lengths long, has a blended curb, and short poles spaced every 3 feet. The buses will be facing south. As you disembark you will have the driveway and parking area behind you and the Technology Classroom Building (TCB) in front of you. You have 2 options here. You can walk toward the TC building line 4 or 5 steps and take a right (north) and continue walking until you no longer hear the building line. At this point you will go to your left and find your inside shoreline. Then continue forward placing the inside shoreline on your left. Your second option – once you get off the bus you will walk straight ahead until you find your inside shoreline. However you will have to go around benches, planting strips, and trash cans. Once you find your inside shoreline turn right (north). Your shoreline will be on your left and driveway / parking area on your right. Continue trailing heading north until you reach the Main Access Sidewalk to the CC Building. You will need to cross to the other side of this sidewalk (about 2 car widths) until you come to the shoreline in front of you. Then turn left (west). This will place the entrance and parking lot behind you and your shoreline on your right.