Sylvania Campus Wayfinding

This page provides a description of the primary east/west and north/south pathways on the Sylvania campus. There are also pages providing point-to-point narrative walking directions that were written with the assistance of the Oregon Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Additional wayfinding support is available including customized tactile and 3D maps.


Starting at the north of campus, moving from west to east: HT, CT, Bookstore.

South of HT and CT, on the west side is the CC, which is a larger building extending south all the way to the SS and ST buildings. Running alongside the CC on the east are the PAC and the Library. There is an open plaza between the CC and the PAC and Library. There are both stairs and sloping ramps connecting these spaces with the main east/west and north/south pathways.

South of the CC and Library is a set of buildings, moving from west to east: SS, ST, TCB.

South of SS, ST, and TCB: SCB, AM, ASB.

Southernmost: HP, CSB.

East/West Pathways

For east/west travel, there are multiple options. The concrete system of paths provides east/west travel between and through buildings.

  • Starting at the north end of campus, there is a level walkway from the bookstore across to CT and HT. This path also branches out to connect with the PAC plaza and paths running along the north and east sides of the CC building.
  • Just south of that, at a lower level that can be accessed via elevators in HT or CC, there is a plaza area between the CT/HT and the CC.
  • There is a path on the exterior north end of CC that connects the PAC Plaza to the west end of the CC.
  • Moving south, a path runs through the CC building to the PAC plaza and Library. There is a ramp leading up to the PAC plaza and library, followed by a steep set of stairs leading to parking.
  • At the south end of CC, there is another east/west path of travel that connects with multiple paths. This path runs from the west end of the CC to the parking lot and bus stop east of the library and TCB.

North/South Pathways

A primary north/south pathway runs from the east side of the AM building between the ST and TCB, then between the CC and the Library and PAC, to the CT building and bookstore.

  • Travel across campus often intersects with the Amo Debardis College Center. The interior path has both steps and ramps that are used to access the cafeteria, as well as a level path that extends from the south entrance to the north entrance and elevator. There is also an exterior path, on the east side of the CC building that is protected by an overhang.
  • Travel from the CC north typically uses either the interior paths of HT, or the exterior path east and north to the bookstore.
  • Travel from the CC south, typically uses the pathway between the ST and SS buildings. There is an exterior elevator by ST that can be used to access the upper and lower levels.
  • Travel south on the lower level from CC leads all the way to the AM building. There are pathways on both the east and west sides of ST and SS. There is a water feature that runs down the center.
  • Travel south on the upper level leads… if heading or the path between the ST and TCB buildings.
  • As an alternative to the north/south path that uses the CC, it is also possible to travel from the main stop (bus and shuttle drop-off) north along the east side of the library to the PAC plaza.