Documentation of disability
Disability impacts individuals in many different ways. We are here to work through the interactive process.
Frequently asked questions
What if I don’t have any documentation?
Who is responsible for providing documentation of a disability?
What is disability documentation?
When must a student provide disability documentation?
Where is disability documentation kept?
Why does PCC need documentation of disability?
How recent must documentation be?
Learning disability evaluations in the Portland Area
Being tested as an adult for a learning disability can be costly in terms of time, effort, and money. A good report, however, can be invaluable when you want to obtain academic or employment accommodations for a disability.
Obtaining documentation of a learning disability is an important process for students who need to be able to request adjustments to the learning or work environment. Please discuss any concerns you have about documenting a learning disability with Accessible Ed & Disability Resources. We may have ideas or resources to help.
- Map of Portland-area learning disability evaluation sites
- Document with contact information for the evaluators
Questions to ask yourself (before interviewing a provider)
Questions to ask a prospective assessment provider
Questions to ask after the assessment or during the review session
Protect your investment
Disability specific documentation guidelines
Accessible Ed & Disability Resources works with students on an individualized basis. If a disability fluctuates or is progressive, updated information may be requested.
Accessible Ed & Disability Resources evaluates documentation based on the guidance provided by the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Additional documentation for specific disabilities may include the following, by type of disability: