In-class Aides and Personal Care Attendants

At times it may be necessary for additional personnel to be present in the classroom or lab environment in order to ensure  equal access for a student to participate. All personnel will have clarity of roles and college expectations. At no time will the personnel complete work or speak on behalf of students.

In-Class Aides

In-class aides assigned to eligible students attend class to perform academic-related tasks. Duties may include setting up materials, doing the “hands-on” work in labs, and describing visual work presented in class.

Request an in-class aid

If you haven’t already, get started with Accessible Ed & Disability Resources and learn about our accommodation process.

Request an aide from an Accessible Ed & Disability Resources counselor or specialist.

Ideally, requests should be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to your need.

Personal Care Attendants

Students who are eligible for a Personal Care Attendant may use these personnel for assistance with managing personal care issues and to ensure effective engagement for tasks such as managing behavior and attention. Information about a possible PCA accompanying a student to class must be included on a student’s Approved Academic Accommodations form.

See our handout on Roles and Responsibilities for Classroom Access Personnel [pdf]