Sign language interpreting and transcribing

Make a request

If you would like to request communication access providers such as ASL Interpreters or Transcribers for a PCC meeting or event please email [opens in new window].

Communication accommodations such as sign language interpreting, TypeWell transcribing, and CART (Communication Access Real-Time) are available to students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing or who experience documented auditory processing disabilities.

  • Accessible Ed & Disability Resources sends a notification email to the instructor when communication access personnel are assigned to their class.
  • CART and TypeWell transcripts will be provided by the service provider to the student in a format agreed upon by both parties. Transcripts are for personal academic use only, and may not be shared or duplicated.

Student responsibilities

When requesting interpreting and transcribing services (ITS), it is the student’s responsibility to:

When service providers are limited, a priority system is used to meet student requests. Service providers are assigned using the following prioritization criteria

  • The date the request was received
  • Availability of service providers
  • Student needs
  • Student preferences (when requested)