Notetaking support options

Accessible Ed & Disability Resources offers support to students who are eligible for a Note Support accommodation. Below are a variety of options to fit different learning needs and course formats. If you have any questions, please reach out by emailing [opens in new window].

There are a variety of approaches that can help to support notetaking, and it can be helpful to think about them in terms of the class modality. This handout provides a quick summary for different types of classes.

Promoting Access for All

Many people benefit from notes and there are some things that instructors or meeting facilitators might want to consider that could be considered a Universal Design approach. These strategies tend to benefit many (not just those who already have accommodation eligibility.

For example, instructors or facilitators might want to:

  • Share agenda and presentation materials in advance – this way participants can review (whether in advance or after the fact).
  • Assign a notetaker – or multiple notetakers – who can take notes during the meeting and share their notes with everyone.
  • Record the session – so people have the chance to review and take notes as needed.