Flexibility Requests

When students experience chronic health conditions, there can be unexpected flare ups that impact participation, attendance, or alignment with timelines. Instructors need to consider these requests on an individualized basis. Accessible Ed and Disability Resources facilitates this process to ensure the request does not pose a fundamental alteration or lower standards.

Specific Eligibilities
Consideration for Flexibility with Deadlines

There may be disability-related impacts on the ability of the student to meet course deadlines. This does not waive requirements for work to be completed by the scheduled end of the course.

Consideration for Flexibility with Attendance and Engagement

This student experiences disability that has the potential to impact attendance. This does not waive requirements for participation.

PCC Process

We offer collaboration and engagement through an interactive process. When students are eligible for consideration for flexibility with attendance or deadlines there is an e-form that needs to be signed before requesting accommodations. The language for this agreement e-form can be reviewed in advance. Please reach out to Accessible Ed & Disability Resources with any questions about rights and responsibilities.

When requests for consideration of adjustments to course-specific policies are included on faculty notification letters, Accessible Ed & Disability Resources provides brief questionnaires called Flex Plans to assist. These forms document ways flexibility can be put in place on a course by course basis without fundamentally altering or lowering standards. Instructors complete these forms through the online accommodation system, but the the questions can also be previewed in advance. Once a form has been completed, it is available to both the student and instructor through the Accommodation System. AEDR is available to assist at any point in the process.

Forms are sent directly to instructors when students have these eligibilities, and they are then reviewed by AEDR before being sent on to students for review. Once a form has been completed it is available to both the student and instructor through the Accommodation System. AEDR is available to assist at any point in the process.


Please see this Flex Plan handout or this presentation on Flex Plans with Screenshots.

Applying the Interactive Process

Requests for flexibility require an interactive process. AEDR is available to work with faculty and students to determine how these types of adjustments can be put in place. The questions below are the type of questions that we will want to talk through with faculty.

  • Is there regular classroom interaction between the instructor and students and among the students themselves?
  • Do student contributions in class constitute a significant component of the learning process?
  • Does the fundamental nature of the course rely upon student participation as an essential method of learning?
  • To what degree does a student’s failure to attend class constitute a significant loss of the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • What does the course description and syllabus say regarding attendance?
  • What is the method by which the final course grade is calculated?