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Visit in person at Cascade Campus Terrell Hall 116;
Office Phone: 971-722-7117;
Book a virtual or phone appointment with staff via Calendly.

Anne Frey

Anne Frey, Education Abroad Manager

Anne Frey has been in the field of International Education for over 25 years. Her career has included work in both International Student Services and Education Abroad in both private and public institutions. In these roles she has worked with faculty, students and administrators on issues ranging from emergency protocols to compliance issues to grappling with how to educate and prepare students for the experiences they will have in the U.S. or overseas.

Her current position as Manager of Education Abroad at Portland Community College allows her to work across four campuses with faculty, staff, and administrators to educate and promote study abroad for community college students. Whether it has been working with incoming international students or out-going study abroad students, Anne has always been particularly interested in the transitional periods in students’ lives when they are exploring with how to integrate, or re-integrate, into a culture and the impact that experience creates personally, professionally and academically.

picture of Ali Garfinkle

Ali Garfinkle, Education Abroad Specialist

Part-time, office hours: Mondays and Thursdays

Ali Garfinkle began her adventures in International Education as a study abroad student to Israel in the mid 1990s. Bit by the travel bug after trekking around the Middle East, her experience led her to graduate school to help others experience the world. In her 20+ years in international education, Ali has sent countless students around the world, welcomed international students to the US, and helped bring cultural programing to campuses (including a large troupe of Ghanian dancers and drummers to a small school in Kentucky, but that is a story for another day). Outside of assisting PCC students to achieve their dreams and make the most of their college years, Ali is an avid Yankees and Blazers fan and loves to spend time outdoors with her family.

Adriane Bolliger

Adriane Bolliger, Education Abroad Specialist

Part-time, office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays

Adriane Bolliger began her adventures in International Education by studying abroad as a high school student to France in the mid 2000’s. After returning home, she knew she wanted to create opportunities for students to have similar life-changing experiences through international travel. Adriane went on to study, work, and live abroad in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

During her 10+ years in international education, Adriane has sent local students overseas, welcomed international students to study in the United States, and facilitated cultural programming for college campuses. She enjoys learning about and celebrating art, music, and fashion from around the world. When not at work, Adriane enjoys cooking, cycling, and hiking with her family.

Joshua Andersen

Joshua Andersen, Experiential Learning Assistant

Joshua Andersen became interested in the field of international education while he was on vacation in Europe after graduating from college. A friend from California had moved to Europe to teach English as a foreign language in Prague, the Czech Republic. Upon returning home, he decided to prepare for the same journey – to live abroad by himself and work as an English teacher. He spent two years in Prague instructing Czech nationals in English grammar, vocabulary and conversation, traveling in his free time, and loving every minute of it.

In his current position as the Experiential Learning Assistant, he helps put together study abroad programs and community-based learning projects that focus on learning by doing, service learning, and embracing diversity. When not at work, he enjoys reading philosophy and poetry, trying new foods, and figuring out where to travel next.

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