Featured Student Crowdfunding Campaigns

The Education Abroad Office provides support for PCC students who are creatively looking to fund their study abroad experience. The following students have put together crowdfunding campaigns to raise money. Please support them by donating if you can!

Tara Wical: Human Sexuality in Amsterdam

Tara Wical

Hi, I’m Tara! I am currently working full time as a Flight Attendant and have returned to college to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. While I have loved the perks of being a Flight Attendant, returning to college was a natural step for me to achieve my long-term goals and to satisfy my intellectual curiosity.

I have been accepted to an amazing two-week Study Abroad Program to Amsterdam this summer. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to better my education and get real-life insight to the Dutch model of sexual health. In the program, we will learn about LGBTQ issues in the Netherlands and how that compares to the United States. With this Study Abroad Program, I will complete an Associates Degree in Applied Science and have been officially accepted to Portland State University starting Fall 2024!

If you would like to learn more about my goals and interest in this program and to donate, please click here.


Elio Ellison: Human Sexuality in Amsterdam

Main fundraiser photoHi! I’m Elio (they/them), a PDX based student with the opportunity of a lifetime to study in Amsterdam this summer! I’m a genderqueer artist @eliosmellslikeroses on instagram. This trip is an instrumental part of my education that will guide me to expert knowledge that will have a lasting effect on my community. I write to you earnestly knowing that in order to uplift others I must show that same care to myself.

In addition to selling my artwork and local fundraisers I’m here to ask for your support in living my dream study abroad program this summer. Your donation will be cherished in the form of feeding me and aiding in expenses to make the most of my time in Amsterdam. Each dollar goes towards museum tickets, transportation, and memories I’ll hold close to my heart going forward in my career. This program itinerary is just the beginning of my work in advocacy and holistic healing. We’ll be studying under Queer BIPOC lead groups, reps from COC Amsterdam, public health officials and sex workers themselves.

If you would like to learn more about my goals and interest in this program and to donate, please click here.

Help Layla Silva Explore Global Healthcare

Main fundraiser photo

Please Help Me Achieve My Dream of Studying Abroad!
Hello! My name is Layla Silva, and I am a freshman at Portland Community College, majoring in Nursing. From a very young age, growing up in San Francisco, I’ve been fascinated by the many travel shows I spent countless hours as a child watching. The vibrant cultures, diverse faces, and the many unique stories that come from every part of this beautiful world has always captivated me. Shows like Amazing Race and House Hunters International and people like Josh Gates, expedition extraordinaire, ignited a flame within me—an unyielding desire to explore the world beyond my neighborhood and learn directly from the global stage. Today, I am reaching out to ask for your help to turn my lifelong dream into reality by supporting my study abroad trip to The Netherlands.
Why The Netherlands?
The Netherlands represents a unique blend of modernity and progression, which aligns perfectly with my academic interests and career goals. By studying there, I aim to delve into European geopolitics and health care nuances that are pivotal in today’s interconnected medical field. This program at Portland Community College partnered with Utrecht University offers an immersive experience that is crucial for a deeper understanding of the Dutch model of human sexuality along with the best sexual health practices and outcomes those in the medical field are encouraged to know and pass on. If you would like to learn more about the costs and my goals as well as to donate, you can do so on my campaign page linked here.