Terms and conditions of award agreement
- I understand the aid as offered is provided to supplement my own payment of my educational costs associated with my attendance at Portland Community College. I agree to use the funds for my educational expenses as outlined in the student budget and that funds will be made available according to the Financial Aid Disbursement Schedule.
- I understand the financial aid office reserves the right to review or modify my award in determination of my eligibility at any time due to changes in my status, conflicting information in my records, or because of availability of funds. I understand the aid offered is made in good faith; however, may be cancelled or reduced if funds become unavailable.
- I understand I must notify the financial aid office of any changes in name or address, enrollment status or major program of study. I understand these changes may result in an adjustment to my financial aid award.
- I understand that federal and state regulation restricts the receipt of financial aid funds to attendance at one institution. I understand that under certain conditions I may be concurrently enrolled at two or more institutions, but that I may receive aid at one institution. I understand that receiving aid while attending concurrently at two or more college requires an institutional Consortium Agreement signed by both institutions.
- I understand that I am required to be enrolled in and pursuing an eligible degree or program offered by the college.
- I understand that I must maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined in the financial aid satisfactory progress policy.
- I understand that federal student loan offers are valid for 60 days. If the student loan is not accepted or the loan requirements are not completed within 60 days, the loan offer may be canceled.
- I understand if I receive an overpayment of funds, withdraw, drop, never attend or stop attending class I may be subject to repayment of federal financial aid funds. A portion of the tuition refund will be returned to the appropriate financial aid fund. I am responsible for reading and understanding the financial aid Return of Title IV Funds/Overpayment policy. I also understand and agree that the college has the option of withholding transcripts if any repayment remains unpaid.
- I understand I am responsible for knowing my Rights as a financial aid student.