Step 2: Arrange an interview

Student chats with supervisorAfter you’ve applied for jobs, the supervisor for the position will contact you to set up an interview. Here is what you need to do.

  1. Prepare for the interview

    • Print your class schedule and award letter. These can both be found in MyPCC.
    • Check your calendar and write down all days you will need to request off for the next three months.
    • Make a list of questions to take to the interview. For example, what computer software will I be using? Will I have to lift heavy equipment? Think of what you need to know to do a good job.
  2. During the interview

    • Show your class schedule to the supervisor. Discuss a work schedule that allows you time to get to and from class, plus time to study.
    • Show your award letter to the supervisor to verify that you have work study funds.
    • Ask questions. You are interviewing the potential supervisor while they are interviewing you. Look around the office and ask about your work station. Ask about your duties. Be sure you are clear about what will be expected of you.

    If the position is a good fit, the supervisor will offer you the job – you are ready to Accept the job.

Need help with the interview?

If you need help preparing for the interview, visit the Student Employment office at your campus.