Off campus and community service work study

Portland Community College will enter into a Federal Work-Study Agreement with any qualified public or private nonprofit organization that can offer students meaningful work experience. To be eligible to participate, the organization must:

  • be on file with the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization.
  • be operating in the public interest.
  • be able to provide meaningful work, preferably work that will enhance the educational objectives of the student.
  • provide adequate training and supervision to the student.
  • sign the written agreement developed by PCC in accordance with federal guidelines.
  • be responsible to pay twenty five percent (25%) of the students’ wages.
  • not displace a regular employee to hire a Federal Work-Study (FWS) student.
  • not hire students to fill jobs that are vacant because regular employees are on strike.
  • not use FWS employment to impair existing service contracts.
  • not involve a FWS student in the construction, operation or maintenance of any facility to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of religious worship.
  • not use a FWS student to further the political aspirations of a party, candidate or incumbent.
  • not deny work or subject a FWS student to differential treatment on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national origin or handicaps.

PCC may waive the 25% wage responsibility requirement for off campus organizations if the positions are deemed to be Community Service. Community Service is defined by law:

Community service means services which are identified by an institution of higher education, through formal or informal consultation with local nonprofit, governmental, and community based organizations, as designed to improve the quality of life for community residents, particularly low income individuals, or to solve particular problems related to their needs, including: (I) such fields as health care, child care, literacy training, education (including tutorial services), welfare, social services, transportation, housing and neighborhood improvement, public safety, crime prevention and control, recreation, rural development and community improvement; (2) work in service opportunities or youth corps as defined in section 101 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990, and service in the agencies, institutions and activities designated in section 124(a) of the National and Community Service Act of 1990; (3) support services to students with disabilities; and (4) activities in which a student is serving as a mentor for such purposes as: (A) tutoring (B) supporting educational and recreational activities; and (C) counseling, including career counseling.

Please contact the PCC Work Study Coordinator [opens in new window] for details about off campus work study contracts and to post a position.