Scheduling student hours

Break working / weekend working

  • Students may work during the finals week and the breaks in between terms if they have sufficient funds to cover earnings and have adequate supervision. Students may not work between spring and summer term. Students hours are allocated to the term in which they worked up until the official end date of the term on the academic calendar.
  • The student must also be registered for a minimum of 6 credit hours for the upcoming term to be able to work during the breaks
  • Students may work during evenings and weekends as long as the department/organization has regular evening and/or weekend hours and the student has adequate supervision.

Rest and meal period

  • In compliance with State of Oregon BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industries), Portland Community College adheres to the following statements with respect to breaks and meal times:

    Oregon law requires an employer-paid rest period of not less than 10 minutes for every segment of four hours: “Meal periods of not less than 30 minutes must be provided to non-exempt employees who work 6 or more hours in one work period.” Only the meal periods are unpaid.

Hours students may work

  • Students may not work more than eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week. Most students work between 8 to 15 hours per week.
  • No overtime is allowed
  • Any hours reported on the timesheet that exceed the maximums allowed will not be covered with Federal Work-Study funds and will be charged 100 percent to the department’s/organization’s budget.
  • If the department/organization is closed for an official holiday, the student is not allowed to work during that time.

Studying and classroom working

  • Federal regulations state that a supervisor must sign the student’s timesheet verifying that the student has worked and earned the amount being paid and that the work was performed in a satisfactory manner. Students should not be allowed to study during working hours. One of the intents of the Federal Work-Study program is to prepare students for the work force and instill in them appropriate behavior and expectations.
  • Students are not permitted to report hours for time spent in a class they are also receiving instruction.