Student performance and dismissal
Performance evaluations
At the end of the first academic term of employment, supervisors should evaluate performance using the Federal Work-Study Job Evaluation form [pdf]. The evaluation process gives you and your work study student the opportunity to discuss strengths and opportunities for improvement. Together you will plan improvements in performance that will both benefit the department and enhance the student’s future career prospects. By assessing student’s strengths and opportunities for improvement, you will be able to plan future projects to suit your student’s skills and to provide references for future employment. The performance evaluations should be submitted to the Work Study Coordinator for submission to the student’s file and to help better planning in the work study program.
Resolving problems
If a Federal Work-Study student employee does not perform in a satisfactory manner, it is recommended that the following procedures be followed:
- A conference between the student and the supervisor should be conducted to inform the student about the problem, to provide suggestions for improvement, and to agree upon a time during which the student must improve.
- If by the agreed upon date there is little or no improvement, the supervisor may terminate the student.
- If the student is terminated, the supervisor should notify the Financial Aid Office, in writing, about the situation. In some cases, the department or organization may terminate the student without following the suggested procedures above, depending upon the seriousness of the infraction.
- Supervisors who are experiencing difficulties with a student are free to consult with the Work Study Coordinator before any action is taken.
If you would like to discuss creating a disciplinary policy within your department you may speak with the Work Study Coordinator.
Discipline and dismissal
Federal regulations state that a supervisor must sign the students timesheet verifying that the student has worked and earned the amount being paid and that the work was performed in a satisfactory manner. Students should not be allowed to study during working hours. One of the intents of the Federal Work-Study program is to prepare students for the work force and instill in them appropriate behavior and expectations.
Federal Work-Study students are expected to perform and conduct themselves in the same manner as any other employee.
Unsatisfactory work performance may include, but is not limited to: incompetence, violations of work rules or procedures, chronic tardiness, failure to show up for work without prior approval from the supervisor, dishonesty, use of alcohol or drugs during working hours, insubordination.
In the case a student leaves your position or has been terminated, you may ask the Work Study Coordinator to repost your position. The position will then be reposted and student will apply as usual.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
If a student is suspended due to lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress, the supervisor will be notified by the Work Study Coordinator and must stop working. If a student drops below 6 credits, the supervisor will be notified by the Work Study Coordinator and must stop working.