Foster youth waiver
This waiver provides free college tuition for former foster youth.
Who is eligible?
To use the tuition waiver, you must:
- Have been in the care and custody of Oregon DHS or Tribal Child Welfare for at least 180 days after the age of 14
- Have exited foster care on or after your 16th birthday
- Complete your financial aid application
- Begin accessing the waiver by the age of 25
What does the waiver cover?
The waiver will pay any tuition that is not covered by state, federal or college grants. You can use the waiver for the equivalent of 4 years of undergraduate studies.
How the waiver works
Each term, the Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) communicates to PCC which students are eligible for this waiver. PCC will apply the waiver for all eligible students after the drop deadline for the term (typically the second Tuesday of the term – see academic calendar for dates). The waiver only covers any tuition and fees not covered by other federal and state grants. If you have questions or would like to confirm your eligibility, please contact Maureen Morgan [opens in new window] or Allison Trowbridge [opens in new window].