Reading and writing placement form

Submit this form as part of your placement process if both these things are true:

  • This is your first time in college
  • It’s been more than 7 years since high school or GED® (or it’s been less than 7 years but you weren’t able to get placement with grades)

The placement process is different for students enrolling in ESOL or GED®.

About reading and writing placement

Most new students, regardless of when they completed high school or GED®, start at the Writing 121 level.

Writing 121

First-year writing: the default writing course most students take

Writing 121, also known as “first-year writing,” is the default writing course and what we expect the majority of incoming college students to take. The aim of the course is for you to learn what you’ll need to succeed in college classes and other situations that require you to research and write. You’ll practice different strategies and can expect opportunities to discuss your work in class and revise it for a better grade.

If the default writing course that most students take when entering college sounds right to you, choose Writing 121. Otherwise, keep reading.

Reading 115 and Writing 115

Get ready for first-year: preparation for the main writing course

or Integrated Reading and Writing 115
The 115 level is designed as preparation for our main composition course. The aim of this level is to help you feel “WR 121 ready,” so it provides more instructor support, and there is emphasis on the kinds of writing you can do to help you learn better (for example, taking notes and writing summaries). Assignments are broken down more than they are in Writing 121, and there is more direct practice in class.

If the course level that provides students with preparation for the main composition course sounds right to you, choose the 115 level. Otherwise, keep reading.

Reading 90 and Writing 90

Breaking it down: additional support to overcome struggles

or Integrated Reading and Writing 90
The 90 level is reserved for students who find reading and writing frustrating or confusing and may struggle to retain what they read. The aim of the course is to help you feel ready for the 115 level by offering additional support and resources and breaking assignments down into smaller tasks (for example, finding main ideas and structuring sentences and paragraphs).

If the course level that provides additional support and resources for students who may struggle with reading and writing sounds right to you, choose the 90 level.

Reading and writing placement form

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