Booking your event at the PAC

Important considerations before booking at PCC

There are different commercial and non-profit rates, as well as the cost for personnel, custodial services, and extra costs for additional equipment. This information can be found in the Personnel fees [pdf] and Facility fees [pdf] rate sheets.

The information available below should answer the majority of your initial questions.

  1. Visit our facilities page to view the calendar for each space, and to make sure our facilities are available for the date(s) you want.
    • We have multiple venues: large main theater/auditorium, lobby, classroom, courtyard, and the Little Theater of which occasionally get booked individually. So be sure to check any relevant calendars if you are wanting multiple spaces for your event (such as the auditorium and lobby).
  2. If the date(s) are available, fill out our facility use inquiry form. Note that we are busy, and due to the overwhelming number of inquires we receive daily it is sometimes difficult to respond immediately. However, if you have not heard back from us within 5 days feel free to contact [opens in new window] to make sure your information was received.
  3. Once we receive your facility use inquiry form, we will verify the available date(s) and get back to you with a 30-day hold confirmation.
    • You will have 30 days from our response to submit the $100 holding/administrative fee and the W-9 form [pdf] for the dates you are requesting.
    • When the event is completed, the $100 holding/administrative fee will be credited to your bill. The $100 is non-refundable, even if your event is canceled.
    • Want to view the space first? No problem, we have 30 days to schedule a viewing appointment to make sure our facility is a good fit before you pay the $100.
  4. Once you have submitted the $100 holding/administrative fee we will add you to the cue to write up a draft estimate for your event. Due to the number of events we manage estimate are sent approximately 1-2 months prior to the event.
  5. Please pay attention to your email account as you will be receiving emails from SYrooms regarding:

    Questions regarding making payments or the above paperwork can be directed to [opens in new window].

Do you need…

  • Catering: PCC offers full-service catering for events on campus. See the Catering Services website for more information and to order.
  • Parking permits: Bulk packs of parking permits are available from the Transportation and Parking department. Please contact them directly at 971-722-4703 or [opens in new window].
  • Fire permit: Any incense, flash paper or candles that will be used on stage or in the lobby require the client to obtain a free fire permit. Fire permits are available from the State Fire Marshal at: 1300 SE Gideon St., Portland, OR, 503-823-3712.
  • Signs on campus: The PCC Print Center offers a package which includes printing and placing signs on campus to guide your audience to parking and the show. Contact Connie Umphress at 971-722-4348 or see the Print Center website.