A 50% deposit is due no later than 30 days prior your event.
All PCC facilities are subject to the PCC Public Safety campus hours of operation. This means that in order to keep the facilities open after the scheduled closing time, there is an added charge for Public Safety overtime of $100 per hour. Refer to the Public Safety page of the PCC website for current campus hours.
If you are wanting to rent a space outside the Performing Art Center, such as the Cafeteria for a dinner event, please contact syrooms@pcc.edu [opens in new window].
PCC requires a minimum of 30 day advance notice for risk and safety approval to be granted for any food being served on campus. Authorization for an outside caterer must be approved by the Director of Auxiliary Services or the Food Service Manager for PCC.
Parking permits are required Monday through Friday during open campus hours.
Disclaimer: Portland Community College expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any loss or damage to the facility user’s property regardless of the cause of loss. Further, Portland Community College expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for injury, including death, to the facility user regardless of the cause of injury (including death).
Due to the fact the PAC is a multi-purpose space, each event requires a 2-6 hour load in before the event and strike after the event. These hours will be built into your event estimate.
The majority of performance-related events held in the space require the following:
Paper tech: Typically scheduled on the Tuesday or Wednesday prior to your event.
The paper tech is where you will meet your crew, sit down with them an go over every detail of your event.
Required tech: Typically scheduled a day or two prior to your performance.
The technical rehearsal is where the PAC crew learns the performance and is able to make any necessary adjustment to sound, lighting and rigging in order for the performance to run as smoothly as possible.
Load in: Typically scheduled after paper tech and/or a day or two prior to the technical rehearsal.
Due to the fact, the PAC is a multi-purpose space each event requires a 4-6 hr Load in before the event and strike after the event. The load in is where the PAC crew comes in, without the clients and prior to client arrival, to change the space to fit the needs of your event.
Strike: Typically scheduled after the performance and/or the following day if necessary.
The strike is where the PAC crew resets the space after your event.
Often, companies come with their own designers. Although having someone present for your event who knows the ins and outs of your design needs is incredibly valuable, we are not able to allow non-PAC-trained personnel to run PAC equipment. The decision about which level of personnel you will need is determined by the PAC based on the detailed information you provide to us regarding your event.
Only PAC-trained personnel may use the PAC rigging system. Any rigging equipment provided by the client must comply with USITT rigging standards. PCC reserves the right to inspect rigging and prohibit use of unsafe rigging practices.
Use of the Lighting REP Plot is included in rental. If the client requires changing light REP plot there is a $150 charge and minimum of 8 hours in charges for labor. If more then 8 hours are necessary to restore the REP Plot, then those labor charges will be passed on to the client.
All scenery must be approved by the PAC Tech Director, who may require the client to provide proof that all scenery is constructed safely and of flame retarded material. Such proof must consist of a label attached to scenery indicating that it has been fire retarded with a date in evidence. The PAC Tech Director may also, at their discretion, ask the client to provide a sample of the scenery material for flame testing.
Special effects permits are required for incense, open flame, or pyrotechnic effects such as flash pots, candles, etc. The client is responsible for requesting a letter from the PAC to obtain a fire permit from the City of Portland Fire Marshall 5 days prior to their use on stage. Permits must be posted and on file in PAC 108 during event.
State Fire Marshal: 1300 SE Gideon St., Portland, OR, 503-823-3712
There are different commercial and non-profit rates, as well as the cost for personnel, custodial services, and extra costs for additional equipment. This information can be found in the Personnel fees [pdf] and Facility fees [pdf] rate sheets.
The information available below should answer the majority of your initial questions.
Visit our facilities page to view the calendar for each space, and to make sure our facilities are available for the date(s) you want.
We have multiple venues: large main theater/auditorium, lobby, classroom, courtyard, and the Little Theater of which occasionally get booked individually. So be sure to check any relevant calendars if you are wanting multiple spaces for your event (such as the auditorium and lobby).
If the date(s) are available, fill out our facility use inquiry form. Note that we are busy, and due to the overwhelming number of inquires we receive daily it is sometimes difficult to respond immediately. However, if you have not heard back from us within 5 days feel free to contact pac@pcc.edu [opens in new window] to make sure your information was received.
Once we receive your facility use inquiry form, we will verify the available date(s) and get back to you with a 30-day hold confirmation.
You will have 30 days from our response to submit the $100 holding/administrative fee and the W-9 form [pdf] for the dates you are requesting.
When the event is completed, the $100 holding/administrative fee will be credited to your bill. The $100 is non-refundable, even if your event is canceled.
Want to view the space first? No problem, we have 30 days to schedule a viewing appointment to make sure our facility is a good fit before you pay the $100.
Once you have submitted the $100 holding/administrative fee we will add you to the cue to write up a draft estimate for your event. Due to the number of events we manage estimate are sent approximately 1-2 months prior to the event.
Please pay attention to your email account as you will be receiving emails from SYrooms regarding:
Submitting the $100 holding/administrative fee payment
Catering: PCC offers full-service catering for events on campus. See the Catering Services website for more information and to order.
Parking permits: Bulk packs of parking permits are available from the Transportation and Parking department. Please contact them directly at 971-722-4703 or parking@pcc.edu [opens in new window].
Fire permit: Any incense, flash paper or candles that will be used on stage or in the lobby require the client to obtain a free fire permit. Fire permits are available from the State Fire Marshal at: 1300 SE Gideon St., Portland, OR, 503-823-3712.
Signs on campus: The PCC Print Center offers a package which includes printing and placing signs on campus to guide your audience to parking and the show. Contact Connie Umphress at 971-722-4348 or see the Print Center website.