Facility use rules

To determine the best venue for your event fill out the facilities inquiry form. This form will provide us with as much information as possible about your event. When you click the send request button your request will be submitted to the campus/center chosen on the form. If a campus or center is not selected your request will be sent to Sylvania.

We have provided a summarized version of the Facility Use Rules and Procedures document below. You can also view the complete rules and procedures [pdf].

It is important to receive your request in our office a minimum of two weeks prior to your event date.

In addition to the Facilities Inquiry form we will also need to have the following on file prior to your event taking place:

  • W-9: Must be on file for payment and/or refunds.
  • Certificate of liability: A facility user must provide proof of insurance [pdf] prior to confirmation of event. View an example of a certificate [pdf]
  • Facility use agreement: This will be sent to you upon confirmation of your event. We will need the PCC policies and procedures agreement signed and returned prior to the event.
  • A deposit may be required prior to the event.

General guidelines for facility use

  • The college is not liable for loss or theft of personal property. Use of PCC facilities is undertaken by the applicant at the applicant’s sole risk. Applicant expressly releases, indemnifies, and holds the college harmless from liability for any and all losses, costs, claims, injuries or damages whatsoever that could result from use of college facilities.
  • Event staffing: all events will be staffed by college faculty, staff members, or trained student technicians as determined by the scheduling coordinator. Non-college staff can be used only with the scheduler’s approval.
  • An estimated cost may be given prior to your event. The final invoice will be based on the actual event costs.

The scheduling office will determine event personnel based on event needs that include:

  • Day and time of event
  • Media equipment and technical staff
  • Rooms and facilities
  • Parking
  • Custodial
  • Public Safety
  • Event staffing
  • Furniture set-up, take-down, and cleanup
  • Dining Services
Food and beverages

Let the Campus Scheduling Coordinator know if you plan to have food and/or beverages at your event so appropriate arrangement can be made. Food vendors and catering services will need to be coordinated through Catering Services. Refreshments may be served at an event with prior approval.

Tobacco policy

Per PCC Board Policy B-709: Tobacco Free College, no tobacco products are allowed on the College’s premises with the exception of designated smoking areas.

Camping prohibited

There shall be no camping on college facilities or grounds. Camping is defined to include sleeping, cooking activities, or storing personal belongings for personal habitation, or the erection of tents or other shelters or structures used for purposes of personal habitation.

Event advertisement

When promoting your event, you may use the college and the campus name to direct your attendees. You must state that neither the program nor its content are endorsed nor sponsored by PCC, you may not use the college’s logo. The College’s Posting Procedures must be adhered to in regards to affixing posters, signs, etc. on any College property. See the Print Center for more information.

Parking at PCC

Any visitor to a College facility must obtain a parking permit. An unauthorized or illegally parked vehicle is subject to a parking violation and/or fine.

If you need more information, see complete rules and procedures [pdf].