Denise Frisbee

Frisbee Family

I wanted to become a Champion for Opportunity because I believe in PCC’s commitment to creating opportunity and a pathway to the middle class through post-secondary education. By supporting the Campaign for Opportunity, I know we will have a direct impact on this vision.

I’ve been a PCC District Board member for 14 years and am always wowed and impressed with the stories of students who have defied odds to get to PCC and then find incredible success as students. PCC students often have more obstacles to overcome, whether it is the dreadful barriers of hunger or homelessness, or childcare, or full-time jobs, or the stress of family obligations. It is important to me to support them in addressing those challenges.

I have seen first-hand that students who receive the support they need from PCC blossom and develop the self-confidence that comes from having others believe in and support you. My husband Robert and I know that PCC can be the catalyst our students deserve to not only change their lives, but also change the world.