Jim Hendershot in memory of Nancy Winbigler

Nancy Hendershot

One year at Thanksgiving my wife Nancy and I welcomed 17 people from 10 different countries to our celebration. People that could play brought instruments, and after we shared a meal, we sat around and played Christmas songs for hours. It’s a memory I will cherish forever.

We have long believed in offering opportunity to those who are disadvantaged because of where they came from or their life situations. A long-time member of the English as a Second Language team at PCC, Nancy helped establish a scholarship for those students, hosting jewelry sales and other fundraisers to finance the scholarship.

My heart was broken when she passed away five years ago, but I was able to keep her spirit very much alive by continuing the scholarship she worked so passionately to start. And when I meet the student scholarship winners, each working hard and finding success, I’m happy knowing that Nancy would be proud of her legacy.

When I learned about the Champions for Opportunity program, I knew this was a great addition to our philanthropic priorities. PCC has always been focused on getting students moved to where they need to be academically and professionally, and open to new ideas of how to get them there. I’m honored to support these ideas through this gift and to continue the carol that has been playing for Nancy and me for more than thirty years.