Bridges to the Future

Bridges to the Future
In 2021, the PCC Foundation established the Bridges to the Future Scholarship to increase access to a college education for all people. This scholarship fund provides resources to students from communities often excluded from higher education or those who have been historically underserved

The Bridges to the Future Scholarship supports students who identify as people of color, live with a disability, identify as LGBTQ+ and those who have lived experiences of poverty or lower incomes.

$200,000 – the amount PCC Foundation awarded in 2021-22, to 100 students through the Bridges to the Future Scholarship fund

$265,000 – the increased award amount planned in 2022

At PCC, we are committed to being student-ready and we know that a growing number of our students are impacted by systemic barriers to education.

36% of PCC students are people of color

45% of PCC students are the first in their family to attend college

31% of credit students are Pell Grant recipients