Patricia Reser & William Westphal

Education, whether it is a continuation of high school, a return to learning, a desire to re-direct one’s life/career or a desire to enrich one’s life is an opportunity that the community college system affords Oregonians. I’m a life-long learner, having returned to formal education three times over my lifetime in three different settings. It has been instrumental in helping define my purpose in living. I value that others can also have that opportunity.
My first connection to PCC took place in the late 70’s when I was Cooper Mountain Elementary School PTA president. I was seeking ways to have a more interactive relationship between the school and the parent community. Partnering with a PCC Rock Creek community outreach staff person, we presented a mini, three-part role play addressing issues parents had identified as concerning. It was well-received and I appreciated the expertise provided.
Also, my son, Marty, served on the PCC Foundation Board. Through his experience, I saw the deep impact that PCC has on our community.