Rashae Burns

Rashae picking grapes in a home garden
Made with love

Rashae’s tips for growing leafy greens

Colander illustrated icon

  • They grow best when they are direct seeded thin or the baby plant starts are transplanted
  • Plant in early spring and grow through the winter in soil that is loose rich, and well-drained
  • Make sure they have at least six hours of sun
  • Water and watch them grow!
“To garden, you’ve changed my life forever. You’ve made me see food in a different way – and through your love, I transformed my son, daughter, and partner’s lifelong eating habits. You nurtured our bodies and showed us what a healthy lifestyle can be through growing our own food. I’m at PCC learning Spanish because I want to have deeper conversations and share more ideas with my co-workers. As my confidence increases, I think of how we’re all growing together. Everyone deserves your love. Yet my community – and other communities of color – haven’t always had access to affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. I’m going to change that, along with my co-workers, one garden at a time.”

— Rashae

About Rashae

Rashae Burns is studying Spanish at PCC after earning her bachelor degree in healthcare administration from Concordia University. Rashae is currently the home gardens director at the nonprofit Growing Gardens. She is the recipient of the Bridges to the Future Scholarship, which supports students who’ve been historically excluded or underrepresented in higher education.