Dental Assisting: Academic overview

Learning outcomes

Dental Assisting ACERT1 One-Year Certificate Outcomes


A total of 45 credit hours of Dental Assisting program coursework is required. The course sequence can be found on the PCC Catalog Dental Assisting One-Year Certificate page. Prerequisites are listed on the PCC Catalog Dental Assisting Overview page.

Technical standards

Dental Assistant students must be able to meet the technical standards listed on the Dental Assisting program expectations page.



Clinical performance is evaluated based on specific objectives provided to students on the first day of classes. At the beginning of each term, students will receive clinical evaluation tools that outline the performance indicators. To pass each evaluated experience, students must meet the performance indicators for all objectives satisfactorily.


As part of regular student progress evaluations, practical tests are conducted periodically to assess a student’s ability to perform specific tasks. This process, known as “skill testing,” takes place in the laboratory or clinic setting. Students must demonstrate satisfactory performance levels in these tests before they are permitted to perform each skill with patients in the clinic.

Academic performance

See the College policies: conduct, professional standards, and ethics section for the Portland Community College academic standards and refer to PCC’s Grading Guidelines. In the Dental Assisting program, students are required to maintain a minimum performance level of no lower than a “C” grade in each of the required courses to continue in the program and receive their program completion certificate.

Grading scale
  • A: 90 – 100%
  • B: 80 – 89%
  • C: 70 – 79%
  • D: 60 – 69%
  • F: < 59%

Grades of “F,” “X,” and “AUD” are not applicable toward degree or certificate programs. The letter grade for a course may be based on a composite score of projects, practical exams, quizzes, and tests, as detailed in the individual course syllabus. Grades will be determined according to the evaluation methods appropriate for the course content. Instructors may also consider factors such as attendance, conduct, participation, and other aspects when adjusting a grade by one letter. For specific grading criteria and policies, please refer to the individual course syllabi.

Late assignments

Late assignments are not accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of due dates and submit assignments on time. Late submissions will receive a score of 0 (zero).


Performance at the “D” level indicates insufficient knowledge to progress to subsequent material and courses. Faculty will communicate with students if their progress falls below the required “C” grade, and they will have the opportunity to address these deficiencies. A counseling session may be arranged with the student, the faculty department chair, and/or Dental Assisting instructors.

Successful completion of courses with a grade of 70% or above is necessary for progression to the next term. Completion of all fall term courses is required to advance to winter term courses. Similarly, successful completion of all winter term courses is required to proceed to spring term classes.

Withdrawal and re-entry

Students should confer with the faculty or the faculty department chair before contacting Enrollment Services to withdraw from the program (see here for Enrollment Services’ process). If students are having difficulties and considering dropping from the program, faculty or the program dean may have solutions to help students remain in the program. It is also important to know why a student decides to withdraw, for program planning purposes.

Class changes (add/drop)

Students should discuss their plans with the assigned faculty or program advisor before initiating add/drop procedures. Failure to do so may result in inadequate hours or types of courses necessary for degree or certificate requirements. For information on registering for classes, dropping a class, and other related details, consult PCC’s Registration Policies.

Re-entry and readmission procedures

Readmission is assessed on a case-by-case basis and depends on factors including program capacity and student admission criteria. Once dismissed for academic reasons, any student desiring readmission to the program will be required to repeat any failed or outdated course(s) and earn a passing grade. Those who have failed out of the program more than one time are not permitted for reapplication into the program.

Candidates that voluntarily withdrew from the program and would like re-entry should contact the program dean as soon as possible prior to the time they desire to re-enter, before the final program application cycle. Specific requirements for reapplication, retesting, etc., will be available at that time

Academic resources

The following are commonly used links that are helpful for the academic journey.

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Standards and procedures