Dental Hygiene: Fieldwork

Fieldwork requirements

Health profession student clinical training administrative requirements

In order for students to complete the required clinical training, PCC requires all students to meet the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapter 409 – Division 30 for students in clinical training prior to clinical placement. Students are to meet any requirements mandated by their clinical site as well. A detailed description of these requirements are listed in Requirements for Clinical & Field Education. They include:

  • Successfully pass a criminal background check
  • Successfully pass a ten-panel drug screen
  • Submit proof of current immunizations
  • CPR certification: Students are required to obtain and maintain current certification in BLS (CPR) for Healthcare Providers by the American Heart Association.
  • Complete Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen compliance training modules.

Program due dates: Adhere to all program-specific due dates for submitting documentation and completing requirements.

The program uses the third-party vendor, CastleBranch to collect immunization and CPR certification documentation and conduct the background check and drug screen. Students are required to purchase these services and the program has no control over any cost adjustments.


During certain terms of the dental hygiene curriculum, students will participate in rotations with off-site clinical partners. These rotations may occur on a day when the student is not scheduled in class or during a regularly scheduled clinic session. Schedules for rotations will be provided at the beginning of the term. If the student is scheduled outside of regularly scheduled courses, it is considered an enrichment rotation and the work that the student performs will enhance their clinical skills, but will not count toward program requirements. If the student is scheduled during a regularly scheduled clinical session, a faculty member will be present at the site and work completed may count toward clinical requirements.

While on rotation, students are expected to follow the rules and conduct guidelines designated by the rotation site in addition to the ethics and conduct standards described in the Professional Code of Ethics and Professional standards and conduct requirements sections.

Students are expected to attend on the designated dates and times and should follow the guidelines outlined for each rotation provided in their respective course. Failure to do so will be counted as two absences as these are all day rotations. No more than 3 (three) absences are permitted, or the student will receive a failing grade for the course. Any student exceeding 3 (three) absences must meet with the course instructor and the faculty department chair to discuss a course of action.

Open chair time

In the first year of the curriculum, each student should be scheduled for at least eight (8) hours of practice with patients per week in the dental hygiene clinic, (CODA, 2023).

In the second year of the curriculum, each student should be scheduled for 12-16 hours of practice with patients per week in the dental hygiene clinic (CODA, 2023).

To ensure that students attain clinical competence and develop appropriate judgment, no more than eight (8) hours of open chair time will be permitted. Eight (8) hours allows for some flexibility in the event that a student becomes ill or a patient does not show for an appointment.

Open chair time includes any clinic session with no scheduled patient or a patient cancellation. If a patient is scheduled and the clinician finishes early, this does not count as open chair time. The course instructor will audit the schedule bi‐weekly to ensure students are scheduling patients for the appropriate amount of time. If the instructor determines a student is inappropriately scheduling patient care, the open chair time deduction will count for patients being dismissed early. Unusual or extenuating circumstances must be fully documented and will be discussed on an individual basis between the student, course instructor, and the faculty department chair. Understand that unusual circumstances will not serve as a substitute for required patient treatment or meeting clinical requirements.

  • It is the responsibility of the student to recruit patients and have their schedule full for every clinic session.
  • Cancellation and no shows must be anticipated and a short call list should be developed.
  • Students should track their re-care patients for potential scheduling.
  • Penalties for open chair time beyond 8 hours are as follows:
    • 9-12 hours open chair time = 2% final grade reduction
    • 13-16 hours open chair time = 4% final grade reduction
    • 17-20 hours open chair time = full letter final grade reduction
    • 20+ hours open chair time = incomplete in the course

In the event of extenuating circumstances, the student may request consideration for an exception by emailing the faculty department chair (FDC). Exceptions may be determined for extenuating circumstances (such as illness that falls within the student health guidelines or jury duty) on a case-by-case basis by the (FDC). Make-up sessions may be granted depending on the circumstance and clinic availability.

Fieldwork sites

Transportation requirements

The PCC Dental Hygiene program is not obligated to make schedule changes to accommodate students’ work schedules, transportation, or personal needs. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from school, rotation sites, and off-site events, as well as parking costs. Some clinical facilities may require 45 minutes or more travel time and may not be serviced by TriMet.

List of clinical facilities

The following are the current rotation sites affiliated with the PCC Dental Hygiene program. These are subject to change.

  • Boys and Girls Club of Salem, Marion, and Polk Counties Dental Clinic – Salem
  • Multnomah County Sealant Program (various Portland Public Schools) – Portland
  • Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Russell Street Dental Clinic – Portland
  • Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Wellness Center – Beaverton

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