Emergency Medical Services: Career information

Career overview

Career overview

The Oregon Employment Department forecasts Portland area employment of emergency medical technicians will grow 8.1% through 2027.

Scope of practice

The EMT scope of practice can be found in OAR 847-035-0030. Students are expected to perform skills within their scope of practice. Prior to EMT licensure, the student may perform EMT skills only if they are currently enrolled in an EMT course, a student in good standing, and an approved clinical experience under the direct visual supervision of approved preceptors. Prior to Paramedic licensure, the student may perform paramedic-level skills only if they are currently enrolled in a paramedic course, a student in good standing, and an approved laboratory session, clinical experience, or field internship under the direct visual supervision of approved preceptors.

Certification and licensure

National certification information is obtained through the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).

The Oregon EMS licensure requirement information is found in OAR 222-265-0025. Licensing fees are found in OAR 333-265-0030 with the review and approval process in OAR 333-265-0040.

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) licenses Oregon EMS providers. The application process can be accessed on the OHA eLicense website.

Occupational risks

Occupational risks for paramedics are described in the Paramedic Functional Job Analysis / Technical Standards document and the Paramedic Program Verification of Health Risk Statement of Understanding. These occupational risks apply to all in the EMS profession, while paramedics performing advanced life support tasks could face increased risk.

Professional associations

Professional association for students

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