Eye Technician: Fieldwork
Fieldwork requirements
In order for students to complete the required clinical training, PCC requires all students to meet the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapter 409 – Division 30 for students in clinical training prior to clinical placement. Students are to meet any requirements mandated by their clinical site as well. A detailed description of these requirements are listed in Requirements for Clinical & Field Education [pdf]. They include:
- Successfully pass a criminal background check
- Successfully pass a ten-panel drug screen
- Submit proof of current immunizations
- CPR Certification: Students are required to obtain and maintain current certification in BLS (CPR) for Healthcare Providers by the American Heart Association.
- Complete Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen compliance training modules.
A student must have a background check completed by the end of fall term in the first year of the program. Please note, an additional background check may be required by a clinical site prior to placement. All vaccinations need to be completed with proper documentation provided the term before clinical practicums begin.
At the time in which these requirements are due, students will be provided with information to access the third-party vendor that the program uses to collect immunization documentation, conduct the background check and drug screen, and provide the training modules. Students are required to complete these tasks and purchase these services and the program has no control over any cost adjustments.
Transportation requirements
Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from practicum work sites and any parking fees associated with their clinical sites. Students must have transportation to practicum facilities throughout the Portland metropolitan area and surrounding communities. Planning ahead due to heavy traffic is strongly recommended ensuring that students arrive on time for practicum rotations.
Fieldwork grading
A “Clinical Student Evaluation” form with the student’s name and dates of rotation will be provided to the site supervisor at each clinical site. It will be completed during week three and during week eight of the term. The completed evaluation forms will be reviewed with the student by the supervisor at that time. After review, the student is responsible for returning the completed forms to the clinical coordinator no later than the last day of finals week.
A second form is available for students to evaluate their experiences in clinical practicum rotation. It will be completed during week three and during week eight of the term.
At the end of each term, each student will have an opportunity to review their progress and evaluations with the faculty department chair. A student may request a progress report at any time during a term. It is recommended that students make copies of their evaluations for future review.
Record keeping
All documentation must be neat and legible. Use only approved terminology. Clearly document clinical experience. Only legible work will be accepted.
Fieldwork sites
Every effort is made to accommodate student requests to be at certain clinical rotations and rotations that are close to their geographic location. However, to ensure that the student receives a well-rounded experience students are expected to be willing to travel within any part of the Portland Metro area which may include practicum rotations to Vancouver and other outlying suburbs outside of Portland.
Practicum assignments will be provided by the course instructor prior to the start of each term. Students are expected to arrange clinical schedules with their preceptor, in accordance to their course and lab schedule.
Students are not to be substituted for paid staff, as students may not take the responsibility or the place of “qualified” staff. However, after demonstrating proficiency, students may be permitted to perform procedures with careful supervision.
Students may be employed in an affiliated clinical facility, performing COT level work. This employment may be counted toward practicum hours upon review of the program director.