Foundations of Interpersonal Neurobiology: Career information

Career overview

Scope of practice

As a professional development program, the scope of practice is broad and varies based on the specific profession or application to which the information is applied. Students are advised to explore any scope of practice questions within their respective professional organizations if applicable.

Certification and licensure

Students who successfully complete the program will receive a non-credit certificate and have the knowledge and skills to apply interpersonal neurobiology concepts in their work, studies, or related areas.

Occupational risks

Interpersonal Neurobiology can be applied widely to many professions. Most often, it is applied in office spaces, therapeutic or medical facilities, classrooms, and within communities (i.e. policing, non-profits, etc.). Occupational risks associated with this work may exist depending on the location of employment or work.

Professional associations

The professional organization most closely associated with this program is the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies.

This non-profit organization provides membership, networking, professional development opportunities, and more.

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