Medical Imaging: Career information

Career overview

Scope of practice

The actual scope of practice for imaging professionals varies by specific position, state and facility of employment, and other factors. The ASRT (American Society of Radiologic Technologists) developed and periodically updates Practice Standards which contain a partial scope of practice for radiographers.

Certification and licensure

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Certification

Students graduating from the Radiography program upon the satisfactory completion of the 8th term are eligible to sit for The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Certification Examination. Applications are accessible online and require the program director’s electronic verification or approval. An application fee of $200.00 payable to ARRT must accompany the application. No additional examination is required, but evidence of Continuing Education is required on a biennial basis per ARRT policy. Additionally, there is a Continuing Qualifications Requirement (CQR) for registrants of 2011 and after, which runs on a 10 year cycle. Please review the ARRT accommodations requirements as they are different from the college.

State of Oregon License – Radiologic Technologist

If graduates desire to practice radiography in the state of Oregon, they must apply for a license from the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging (OBMI). Applicants must provide evidence of current valid ARRT certification and submit a fee. State license renewal requires evidence of continued education, including one hour CE of cultural competency education. OMBI also requires temporary licenses for working X-ray students and post-primary modality training in CT and MRI.

State of Washington License

Washington state has radiologic technologist licensing requirements through the Washington State Department of Health.

State Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) pertaining to Radiography and X-rays in the Healing Arts
Temporary license

While enrolled in an accredited program of radiography and fulfilling the clinical component of the prescribed course of study, students will not need a license because of their student status. Those receiving financial payment for employment or services as a Radiologic Technologist in the State of Oregon are responsible for acquiring a license through the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging (OBMI).

Students may apply for a temporary license in Oregon no sooner than 6 months prior to their graduation date. This allows the student to be employed as an unregistered radiographer. The temporary license does not require direct supervision but will require knowledge, experience, and judgment for all aspects of radiology. As such, the supervision rules are different for students’ paid time versus student time, and those terms (direct vs indirect) are defined differently across JRCERT and OBMI. It is the responsibility of the hiring clinical institution to assess the competency of the student and their ability to work with a temporary license in all permitted areas. The college cannot make this determination. The hiring department takes full responsibility for the actions of the student during paid employment hours. Time spent on procedures performed during employment with a temporary license will not meet any program requirements. Students may not complete competencies during paid time. Students are required to sign a Clinical Integrity Guidelines and Agreement concerning separation of student and paid hours and submit a copy of the signed agreement to the program director. Working students are not permitted to work more than 24 hours per week while also completing clinical hours.

Professional associations

Professionals in the field have a responsibility to be active in organizations that enhance their professions through membership and participation. The Medical Imaging faculty represent several professional organizations and encourage students to explore professional activities through a variety of professional opportunities.

Students are encouraged to join professional organizations at the student level and to attend annual meetings of the state professional society, Oregon Society of Radiologic Technologists (OSRT). Attendance will be at their own expense or with financial assistance from fundraising and campus club monies. Students must request permission from the CIIC, program director, and clinical coordinator to attend any professional meeting during the clinical or academic schedule. If a student participates in such meetings during clinical assignment, they will not be required to make up the absent time.

Application forms are available online for the following professional organizations:

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