Medical Imaging: Standards and procedures


Facilities and lockers

The student lounge in the program suite includes a refrigerator, two microwaves, and a sink. There are lockers for day use, but not enough for all students to retain their own locker overnight. Locks are not provided. Locker storage availability varies by clinical site and students may need to purchase their own lock.

Lab requirements and expectations

Food and drink is restricted in areas near x-ray equipment. These areas are clearly marked and these rules must be adhered to for the longevity of the expensive lab equipment. Students are expected to clean up after using lab spaces, and take proper care when utilizing lab equipment. Abuse of equipment or positioning phantoms will not be tolerated and may prompt a disciplinary review process.

Ethics and conduct

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Radiography Standards of Ethics are the professional standards for all radiographers. If circumstances should arise where a radiographer’s behaviors or practices are being questioned, they will be compared to the Standards of Ethics for the profession.

Radiography students represent the Medical Imaging program, Portland Community College, and the profession of radiography. Students are expected to exhibit proper conduct in the academic and work environments and to demonstrate professionalism and ethical practice. Unprofessional or unethical conduct may prompt a program dismissal review process.

This handbook and the Portland Community College Student Code of Conduct (see the College policies: conduct, professional standards, and ethics section) clearly define what is considered appropriate conduct for students within the program. Refer to the Due process for violations  section for information about program dismissal and appeals.

College policies

Students are required to read, understand, and follow college and program policies, standards, and ethical guidelines. In addition to reviewing the policies linked in this section, any additional requirements described in the section for one’s program of study should be reviewed and followed. Students assigned to clinical sites are required to learn and follow the policies, rules, and regulations required by the site. Students are encouraged to reach out to program faculty and staff with any questions or clarification needed.

Comprehensive links to college policies can be found on the following webpages:

The policies of particular relevance to students include:

Conduct, professional standards, and ethics

It is especially important for students to comply with the following policies regarding conduct, professional standards, and ethics.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the HIPAA Privacy Rule to implement the requirements of HIPAA (Centers for Disease Control Public Health Law). Under this law, patients’ health information is protected. This includes individually identifiable health information that is transmitted or maintained in any form or medium (electronic, oral, or paper).

What does this mean for Healthcare and Emergency Professions students?

In the course of their study, healthcare and emergency professions students will work in patient-focused settings, which could include providing patient care at the dental clinic, at off-site clinics, with ambulance services, and in hospitals, and/or could include responsibilities for managing patient data. Additionally, patient data and images, including radiographic images, will be part of the classroom and lab instruction. Often, students will act as patients during lab and practice sessions and confidentiality policies will apply. Students will have access to confidential patient data in these settings and are expected to:

  • protect patient and student confidentiality at all times,
  • comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),
  • strictly follow all policies and procedures at the facilities in which off-site clinicals, internships, practicums, and co-ops are held,
  • uphold the professional ethics guidelines of their field of study, and
  • adhere to Portland Community College’s confidentiality policies, including Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Specific guidelines related to HIPAA and confidentiality include, but are not limited to:

  • Any information (including images, and written or verbal) related to patient care is strictly confidential and is:
    • not to be shared, copied, or discussed with anyone outside of the direct care of the patient, and
    • not to be removed from a healthcare facility or service unless written permission has been given by the clinical agency to remove such information. Information may be disclosed only as defined in HIPAA guidelines for educational purposes.
  • Radiographic images that are used for image critiques, case study, or lab sessions must have all patient and hospital identification removed. Students attending critique sessions away from their home sites may bring radiographic images only on approved devices that follow HIPAA requirements. No images taken with cell phones are allowed.
  • Photographs, recordings, and videos of patients must never be taken, whether a patient gives permission or not. If patient images are being considered for an educational purpose, the student must check with the instructor who will determine policies at the practicum site.
  • Absolutely no reference to a patient, even if de-identified, should ever be shared electronically via email outside of MyPCC email or on social networking sites such as Facebook. The instructor may direct students to share select de-identified patient information via MyPCC email or D2L for course preparation or learning purposes.
  • No facility or facility staff information should be shared via personal email, on social networking sites, or by other means outside the learning environment.
Required training
  • Read about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  • Students are required to complete a HIPAA training module through the college’s third-party vendor, CastleBranch.
  • Ongoing training and guidance will be provided as appropriate throughout the instructional courses.
  • Students participating in off-site clinicals, internships, practicums, and co-ops are required to attend their clinical site’s HIPAA training to become educated on the facility’s confidentiality policies and procedures.
Violations of HIPAA and confidentiality

Any action that violates patient or student confidentiality will have long-lasting consequences for the student’s career and a serious impact on their standing in the program. All actions will be addressed quickly and will prompt a review process in which program probation or dismissal is considered. See Due process for violations. The off-site clinical, internship, practicum, or co-op facility could impose further disciplinary actions, including immediate dismissal from the site.

Dress code

The purpose of these guidelines is to establish clear dress code and appearance standards to maintain a safe, professional, and inclusive environment at Portland Community College (PCC) in the Healthcare and Emergency Professions Pathway (HEP). These requirements ensure safety and infection control, as well as prepare students for clinical and professional settings. These guidelines are in accordance with applicable PCC policies. Students participating in clinicals, internships, practicums, co-ops, and other external educational settings may need to adhere to additional procedures and guidelines set by their assigned facility.

Dress code
  • Attire:
    • Clothing should be clean, neat, and appropriate for an academic setting.
    • Attire should not have offensive language, images, or messages in accordance with the college’s Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy.
    • Footwear should be safe and suitable for the lab and clinical environment. Closed-toe shoes made of leather or a similar material that is resistant to needles and liquids are required.
    • Hats are not permitted in clinical settings (hair coverings worn for religious purposes are not an issue).
  • Uniform standards:
    • Certain programs may require uniforms or specific attire. These requirements must be followed.
    • Uniforms and shoes should be clean with no wrinkles or tears, properly fitted, and worn as intended.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
    • Students in labs, workshops, and other hands-on environments must wear appropriate PPE as specified by their instructors.
    • PPE may include items such as safety glasses, gloves, lab coats, and closed-toe shoes. There may be additional/different PPE requirements based on the nature of the program.
  • Grooming standards:
    • Students are expected to practice good personal hygiene.
    • Hair, including facial hair, should be clean and well-maintained.
      • Hair should be secured to prevent it from getting caught in equipment or interfering with the task at hand.
      • Facial hair should be groomed to ensure a proper seal with an N-95 mask, if required.
    • Students should avoid strong fragrances that may cause discomfort or allergic reactions.
    • Nails: Federal and state laws specify that artificial nails should not be worn when having direct contact with patients. The maximum nail length is 1/4 inch and nails should not pose a risk of tearing gloves. Nail polish, if worn, should be tidy and unchipped for hygiene purposes.
    • Ensure hands are clean and washed before touching or performing clinical procedures.
  • Tattoos and piercings:
    • Visible tattoos that conflict with professional standards and college policies may need to be covered.
    • Piercings are allowed provided they do not interfere with tasks, such as patient care. In some settings, jewelry that could get caught on equipment and pose a safety risk is not allowed. Please refer to program-specific requirements for further details.
Accommodation and exceptions

In cases where assigned facilities for clinicals, internships, practicums, and co-ops have specific dress and personal appearance codes, those regulations and any applicable process for accommodations will be used by the facility. For circumstances when PCC is the decision maker, the college will provide reasonable accommodations or modifications that do not fundamentally alter any program standard or compromise safety, health, and hygiene standards.

All students are responsible for adhering to the appearance and dress code standards of the Healthcare and Emergency Professions pathway, program, and the clinical setting (if applicable). For safety reasons, students who do not comply with the dress code will be asked to leave the course session to correct their attire and return only after making the necessary changes. Attendance and tardiness rules will apply when such corrections are necessary. Students not in compliance with these standards could be subject to a disciplinary review process. See Due process for violations.

Program-specific requirements

In addition to the Healthcare & Emergency Professions pathway dress code and appearance standards, Radiography program students are required to adhere to the guidelines below.

  • Clinical appearance:
    • Wear designated clinical attire (scrubs) and shoes as per each clinical site’s requirements.
    • Scrub colors and patterns must be approved by clinical instructors according to department dress protocols.
    • Sweaters are not allowed. A white lab coat or long-sleeved scrub jacket is acceptable over the uniform.
  • Identification and dosimeters:
    • Affiliated hospitals will provide identification badges for clinical education.
    • Students will receive radiation dosimeters from the college and must wear them at collar level at all times.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
    • PPE will be provided at both campus and clinical sites according to hospital rules and isolation protocols.
    • Students will be fit tested for N95 respirator masks either at the clinical site or by program faculty.
    • Notify faculty or clinical instructors if any required PPE is missing.


Attendance for all didactic radiography courses
  • On-time attendance is required
  • For every three occurrences defined below in lecture and/or lab, a student’s grade for that class will be lowered by one full letter grade
  • An “occurrence” is:
    • Unexcused absence from class or lab
    • Incomplete class or lab: 15 minutes late or leaving 15 minutes early
  • Excused absences are determined on a case by case basis at the discretion of the instructor and/or program director. They may include but are not exclusive of:
    • A written doctor’s excuse for the day(s) missed
    • Active military obligations (such as participation in the reserves)
Attendance for all clinical courses

Students must contact both the clinical instructor in charge (CIIC) and the clinical coordinator prior to start time on the day of the absence.

Excused absences from clinic must be made up but will not affect the final grade. There is a maximum of make-up days allowed (see chart below) each term. All make-up days must be completed by the last day of finals week each term and approved by the CIIC. Any unexcused day missed beyond the maximum number of make-up days allowed in the term will result in a final grade lowered by one full letter grade.

Students are allowed one personal day per term that does not need to be made up and is not included in the make-up days allowed. This personal day will be used with the first clinic absence (for whatever reason) of the term. If it is not used by the last day of clinic, students are expected to use it on the last scheduled day of clinic for the term.

Example: In fall term of the first year, a student misses a clinic day due to illness, which uses their personal day. The same student misses two more days of clinic a couple weeks later. If the student misses one more clinic day, their final grade for clinic for the term will be lowered by a full letter grade.

Term Clinic days Hours/days per week Weeks in term
(including finals week)
Days in clinic per term Maximum make-up days allowed
2 R/F 16/2 12 20 2
3 R/F 16/2 11 20 2
4 R/F 16/2 11 20 2
5 M-F 36 /4.5 11 44 4
6 MTW 24/3 12 31 3
7 MTWR 32/3 11 40 3
8 MTW 24/3 11 30 3
Vacation time

This must be scheduled between terms (during non-school time). See the PCC academic calendar to plan accordingly.

Bereavement leave

This allows the student to be absent from clinical for a period of three consecutive days without making up clinical hours. Additional time beyond the three days would then be made up by the terms agreed upon between the clinical instructor and student. The three-day leave applies in the death of an immediate family member or significant other. One day of leave may be granted to attend the funeral of a close friend or a relative other than of the immediate family. Arrangements need to be made with approval from the program director and the CIIC.

Jury duty

Jury duty is a very important civic responsibility and we encourage citizens to serve their community. Jury duty for students in a very intensive two-year program can pose a difficulty due to missed time from classes and clinic. Students called for jury duty may defer this service to after their educational training is complete. If called for jury duty during the course of the program, please see the program director for details on deferment.


Personal and professional communication

Students in the Healthcare & Emergency Professions pathway are trained to become professionals in their chosen careers. In these roles, they will have the privilege of interacting with a diverse group of people. During the course of their professional education, students will strengthen their personal communication skills to improve effectiveness with people. Communication involves interactions between students, patients, faculty, staff, and guests located on campus or at off-campus learning sites (agencies, clinical facilities, or other settings). Respect for individual differences in opinions, beliefs, gender, lifestyle practices, religious, racial, cultural, or social backgrounds should be demonstrated by using effective listening and communication skills, as well as showing respect for physical space and privacy issues.

Communication methods and standards
  • Email: The primary mode for program and instructor communication will be via students’ PCC email address. See PCC’s Communication Policy.
  • D2L Brightspace: Communications specific to each course will be delivered via announcements and postings in D2L Brightspace learning platform.
  • Office hours: Full-time instructors are available for selected in-person and virtual office hours each week. Appointments are made through the individual instructor.
  • Chain of communication:
    • Course syllabus and D2L Brightspace: Refer to the course syllabus and D2L Brightspace for questions and concerns related to course requirements.
    • Course instructor: Refer questions and concerns directly to the assigned faculty instructor. Students who have difficulties with individual faculty should first aim to resolve the issues directly with that faculty. For clinical experiences, reach out to the assigned clinical instructor and clinical coordinator, if applicable.
    • If the preceding steps have been followed without questions or concerns being adequately addressed, the student may next contact the faculty department chair (FDC).
    • Individual questions, concerns, and comments about the program overall can be discussed with the program dean, as escalated by FDC.
    • There are opportunities for students to provide feedback about courses throughout the year through course evaluations. Some programs invite student representation on committees.
Use of electronic devices

Use of cellular phones or other electronic devices that may interfere with learning activities are prohibited during classroom, laboratory, and clinical laboratory practice activities and examinations, unless features such as amplification, magnification, or transcription tools are used as learning aids. Students should limit use of such devices to breaks and turn them off (or silence them) upon return. Use of cell phones for recording or taking images in the clinical setting is prohibited as it can be a HIPAA violation (see the HIPAA section). Permission from fellow students, faculty, and staff is required prior to any pictures taken on campus.

Social media

Students are expected to adhere to the following guidelines in order to maintain the professional and ethical standards of the program and the clinical affiliates:

  • Do not post anything that would violate FERPA (student privacy) and HIPAA (see the HIPAA section) (patient privacy) regulations. Activities that occur during clinical rotations or that involve patients are not to be shared.
  • Photos which contain any animal not owned by the student or activities surrounding the use of these animals in classes or labs shall not be posted to social media accounts unless as related to adoption, or when given express permission by the owner of the animal.
  • Be mindful of the language used when discussing the affiliate, program, fellow students, faculty, or staff, and avoid any comments that could be perceived as derogatory or harmful. Instead, address concerns by following the Grievance process.
  • Do not ask to connect with instructors on social networks in order to maintain an appropriate professional relationship. Upon graduation, instructors and students may connect if all parties agree.
  • Use good judgment before posting personal pictures. Be aware that information you post online may be available to anyone, and could be misconstrued.
  • See related college policies and guidelines:

Nothing in this social media section is intended to restrict any expressive activity that is legally protected.

Employment while in program

Outside employment during enrollment in the program is discouraged because of the rigor of the program requirements. If a student is employed, the program schedules (academic or clinic) will not be altered to meet their outside employment schedule. Students working under temporary student radiographer licenses cannot use paid time as counting towards clinical time nor can students complete competencies during paid time. Students and clinical instructors must sign the Academic Integrity Policy (available on Trajecsys) prior to the student working with a temporary license.

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