Phlebotomy Technician: Fieldwork
Fieldwork requirements
Health profession student clinical training administrative requirements
In order for students to complete the required clinical training, PCC requires all students to meet the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapter 409 – Division 30 for students in clinical training prior to clinical placement. Students are to meet any requirements mandated by their clinical site as well. A detailed description of these requirements is listed in Requirements for Clinical & Field Education [pdf]. They include:
- Successfully pass a criminal background check
- Successfully pass a ten-panel drug screen
- Submit proof of current immunizations
- CPR certification: Students are required to obtain and maintain current certification in BLS (CPR) for Healthcare Providers by the American Heart Association.
- Complete Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen compliance training modules.
The Phlebotomy Technician program uses the third-party vendor, CastleBranch to collect immunization and CPR certification documentation and conduct the background check and drug screen. Students are required to purchase these services and the program has no control over any cost adjustments.
All CastleBranch requirements must be completed before the application deadline. The application/orientation outlines all requirements. For further guidance during the admission process, students can arrange assistance with the program coordinator.
Clinical assignments, guidelines, and processes
Students will receive 100 hours of supervision by laboratory personnel in various settings including hospitals, laboratories, outpatient facilities, or other approved sites. During these 100 hours of clinical practicum, students must successfully complete a minimum of 100 supervised blood draws.
The schedule for clinical practicum is determined based on the needs of the clinical site. While efforts are made to place students near their homes, assignments are mandatory, and students must accept the assigned site. Please be aware that commuting times may range from 30 minutes to over an hour.
Each student is guaranteed only one clinical practicum assignment. No remediation or additional assignments will be provided if a student is unable to participate in their assigned clinical practicum.
Students must keep their schedule open in the second term until their clinical practicum assignment is determined.
Professional manner expectations
Students must be professional, reliable, and punctual during their assigned clinical practicum. Please be aware that recurrent instances of the behaviors listed below will lead to a “Non-Successful Completion” (NSC) grade for the clinical portion. Students will receive a written warning after the first two occurrences of any of the behaviors listed. A third violation will result in an automatic “Non-Successful Completion” (NSC) grade, without the opportunity for remediation. In addition, all hours lost from clinical practicum work must be made up. Make-up hours will be at the convenience of the clinical site. Students are required to notify the clinical site coordinator and program coordinator to arrange for make-up if needed.
- Late to clinical without notifying the clinical mentor.
- Absent from scheduled clinical without notification and approval from clinical mentor.
- Use of cell phone, tablet, or any music and video device while in the clinical setting.
- Falls asleep, leaves shift early, is argumentative, is not engaging, or is distracted from the learning experience.
- Not following the dress code standards listed in the Dress code section.
If PCC receives any complaints regarding a student’s behavior, failure to follow the dress code, or professionalism, their clinical placement will be considered for a dismissal review process (See Due process for violations).
Additionally, if the clinical site discontinues the student’s training due to concerns or unprofessional behavior, the student will receive a Non-Successful Completion for the clinical portion, with no opportunity for make-up or refund.
Injuries during clinical practicum
Report the accident or injury immediately to the on-site supervisor or clinical manager at the site in which the accident/injury occur. Please see the Injury reporting section.
Fieldwork grading
Students will be provided with clinical forms to be completed during their clinical practicum. These include:
- Daily blood draw log
- Daily time sheet
- Weekly course evaluation
Grades will be submitted upon completion of the practicum assignment, after receiving all clinical documentation verifying that students have met the clinical requirements, which include 100 hours of clinical experience and a minimum of 100 supervised blood draws.
Fieldwork attendance
All hours lost from clinical practicum work must be made up. Make-up hours will be at the convenience of the clinical site. Students are required to notify the clinical site coordinator and program coordinator to arrange for make-up if needed.
All 100 clinical hours must be completed for a passing grade. Obtaining less than 100 clinical hours will result in a “No Pass” for clinical lab and the student will not be able to qualify to apply for the ASCP Certification Exam **Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the clinical site coordinator or program coordinator for absence/leave due to medical illness.
Absences from labs: All lab exercises/modules must be completed for a passing grade.
Fieldwork sites
Students are responsible for their own transportation to the clinical site. Please note that students may need to commute between 30 minutes to over an hour to reach their assigned clinical site, if necessary.
List of clinical facilities
- Kaiser Permanente
- Oregon Health & Science University, (OHSU)
- Providence Health
- Legacy Health System
- Pacific Medical Group
- Northwest Primary Care