Andrew Cohen

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Articles (128):

Read-In event poster African American Read-In – Wednesday, February 21st – Sylvania Campus Library
Celebrate Black History Month with Black literature! PCC Library welcomes all members of the community to join us and read […] Posted February 17, 2018
Pamplin Media Pamplin Media Group – Student Writing Internships
Internships provide wonderful opportunities for students to get hand-on experience in and put their writing skills to work. Pamplin Media […] Posted February 15, 2018
The Laramie Project The Laramie Project Comes to PCC Sylvania – March 9-18, 2018
PCC Theatre Season 2017-2018 The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman and the members of the Tectonic Theater Project PCC Sylvania […] Posted February 8, 2018
WWeek Willamette Week Writing and Art Internships
There are few better ways for students to explore the possibility of finding a career in writing and the arts […] Posted February 1, 2018
Paula Carter Writer and Storyteller Paula Carter Reads at Sylvania Campus on February 8th!
Please join us for a reading and discussion with writer and storyteller, Paula Carter, author of the essay collection No Relations (Black […] Posted January 30, 2018
Imarisha Awarding winning writer and activist, Walidah Imarisha Coming to PCC – February 14
On Wednesday, February 14th The Sylvania Women’s Resource Center & Sylvania Multicultural Center will be hosting critically acclaimed and awarding […] Posted January 26, 2018
Bloomtown painting Bloomtown: Student Art Show Opening – Thursday, January 25th, 5:30-6:30pm, Sylvania CC209/Advising and Counseling
Portland, once a boomtown, has sometimes been referred to as Stumptown, and even Doomtown. One group of student artists under […] Posted January 19, 2018
Long Shorts LONG STORY SHORT: 10 minute plays – Thursdays, Jan. 18 and 25, Cascade Campus
Six plays written and directed by PCC students Tayde Ramirez, Richard Sangeleer, John Pfeil, JJ Lostica, Garrett DeRose/David Traynor and […] Posted January 15, 2018
Marylhurst PCC Creative Writing Students Sweep Marylhurst Writing Contests
The PCC Creative Writing Department is very pleased to announce that seven PCC students were winners in the 2017 Marylhurst University […] Posted January 10, 2018
Ruth Lanz Michael Reinsch and Ruth Lanz-December 2nd at 3pm
Michael Reinsch will sing songs to paintings by Ruth Lantz at PCC. Utilizing primarily a baritone ukulele, Reinsch will perform […] Posted December 2, 2017