Why am I Seeing a Prerequisite Error?

When attempting to register for a course you may receive a message that says: “Prerequisite or Test Score Error – You must complete prerequisites or have equivalent placement test scores to register for this class. Visit www.pcc.edu/schedule to find course prerequisites.”
A screenshot of the Registration Add Error message received when attempting to register for a course for which prerequisites are not met.

Viewing course prerequisites

To view a specific courses prerequisites:

  1. Navigate to pcc.edu/schedule.
  2. Enter the CRN of the course you wish to register for in the keyword search bar, then select “Show me classes”:
    Screenshot of https://www.pcc.edu/schedule/ that highlights where to enter a CRN to search for a specific course.
  3. You can find the course’s specific prerequisite near the end of the course description:
    Screenshot of a course page from the class schedule highlighting the prerequisites near the end of the course description.

Understanding prerequisites


Prerequisite: a course that must be successfully completed before the course in question can be taken (successful completion means a C or P; a D does not satisfy a prereq requirement. Also, if the prerequisite stipulates “with a C or better” this means that the student must have taken the class for a letter grade, not P/NP).

Co-requisite: a course that  must be taken at the same time – Banner will not allow a student to register for either course alone.

Prerequisite or Concurrent Enrollment: a course that needs to be taken either before or at the same time.

The student must have…
Prerequisite either placed into or completed
WR 115, RD 115, and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test score WR 121, and out of RD 115, and MTH 60 or higher WR 115 or higher, and RD 115 or higher, and MTH 60 or higher
ESOL 250 or Reading COMPASS ESOL equivalent placement test score COMPASS ESOL test score 89-95 or higher ESOL 250 with a C or better
MTH 60 or equivalent placement test score MTH 70 MTH 60 or higher
AVS 125 or AVS 123 Either course and their prerequisites. There is no placement test option or another AVS course which can be substituted.
MTH 95 MTH 95. A higher placement test score or MTH course will not satisfy the requirement.
BI 112 or (BI 211 and BI 212) The single course BI 112 or both course within the parentheses (BI 211and BI 212)
(BIT 109 or BIT 110) AND (BI 112 or CH 100 or higher) or instructor permission One course within each set of parentheses or with instructor permission. The “or higher” refers only to a course for which CH 100 is a prerequisite.
Prerequisites/concurrent Meaning…
BIT 110 Student must have completed BIT 110 or is currently enrolled in BIT 110
Co-requisite Meaning…
AVS 107 Student must be currently enrolled in AVS 107 in order to take the course

Viewing the courses you have already completed

The easiest way to see which courses you’ve already completed is to view your unofficial transcript.

Prerequisite overrides

If you’ve completed college-level coursework that you believe is equivalent to a prerequisite for a PCC course you wish to take, you may be eligible for a prerequisite override.

Prerequisite for online classes

Before you register for your first online class at PCC, you must complete the Start Guide for Online Learners. Students who have taken prior online classes at PCC do not have to complete the Start Guide. Visit the My Courses tab in MyPCC to check your status and access the Start Guide.