Kaltura My Media student guide

What is Kaltura’s My Media?

Kaltura is a streaming platform that PCC students can use to share video and audio files they create. This platform is integrated into D2L Brightspace for use within discussions and assignments.

There are also tools available through Kaltura that can be used to create videos. See the Guides area below for more information.


When should I use My Media / Kaltura?

If you have created a video for a course, then Kaltura can be used to store that video and share it within your class.

Or, there are a handful of other tools that allow the storage or creation of media. Here is a list of common tools/sites used at PCC:

  • PCC Google Drive account
    • Students can store files (including videos) to their PCC Google Drive account
      • .mp4 video files stored in Google Drive will be viewable in a browser after the file has been fully processed.
    • Students can share videos stored on Google Drive by using the Sharable Link option (right-click your file in Google Drive > Share > Copy Link)
    • Students can access PCC’s Google Apps while they are actively enrolled in courses
  • PCC Zoom Cloud Recording
    • Zoom allows you to capture your screen and webcam (individual users and groups) either to the cloud (not on your computer) or on your computer
      • Not all PCC Zoom accounts have the ability to record to the cloud (those that can’t record to the cloud will still be able to save recordings to their computer)
    • To share your media that is recorded to the cloud you would copy the link that is provided to you by Zoom and send that to your instructor
    • If you have recorded a Zoom meeting to your computer or device, then you can use Kaltura or Google Drive to store and share your video
  • Use Video Notes inside the Assignment or Discussion areas
    • D2L Brightspace has a built-in Video / Audio recorder
      • This feature can only record a webcam and microphone (no screen capture)
    • There is a Record Video button when viewing the Submission page of an assignment or expanding the attachments area of a discussion.
  • Personal YouTube/Google Drive account
    • Once uploaded to a personal YouTube/Google Drive account you could then send the link to your video to your instructor.
    • You will not lose access to a personal account when you stop taking courses at PCC

Media retention

Students will be able to access My Media / Kaltura as long as they are actively enrolled at PCC. Once a student has stopped taking courses, access to PCC tools, including Kaltura, will eventually be disabled. Be sure to download any media you have uploaded to the system prior to your final term at PCC, or before an absence.

Media stored in Kaltura will remain until:

  • After two years without any views, the streaming versions of media will be removed (the version that shows when you add it to an Assignment or Discussion).
    • The countdown for a piece of media starts after the last time it was played, not when it was uploaded.
    • This will not remove the original source video, so you can still access and download the media.
  • After four years without any views, the source media and any supporting files (captions, etc.) will be deleted.
    • The countdown for a piece of media starts after the last time it was played, not when it was uploaded.
    • Media that is deleted at this point will not be recoverable.

Need help?

Contact the Student Help Desk at 971-722-8222 or email: shd@pcc.edu [opens in new window]