Zoom – Student Participant Guide

What is Zoom?

Zoom is web conferencing software that instructors may use for online lectures, virtual office hours, or group meetings.

Note: Given students potentially limited access to internet, your instructor may record your sessions together for viewing later. These recordings will only be visible to those enrolled in this class, and students have the option for additional layers of privacy by renaming themselves in the Zoom room, hiding their video, and muting their audio.

If you have any concerns or questions, please let your instructor know.

What is a Participant?

A participant is able to listen to the instructor and others within the Zoom Meeting Room, view any screens or visuals that the instructor displays and interact with other within the room via a microphone or in-app chat interface.

Note: Joining a Zoom Meeting as a participant does not require that you have to create a personal Zoom account. You can login to your PCC Zoom account by going to portlandcc.zoom.us.

Google Meet

If you are looking for a means in which you can meet up with one or more peers online personally then we recommend using Google Meet instead.